Does music effect to your movie tastiers?

@thanatos: Miguelitos and cajeta aren't unhealthy :)))))))
oh! and strawberry and vanilla Quick are damn good too!!!!! everytime I happen to be in Mexico I buy tons of food!!!!!
that chocolate.....I guess it was Tia Maria or smth :)))))))
just a thought that occured to me a few moments ago...for some bizzare reason i thought i should put here, not really about movies but novels.
punish my heaven just started playing on my computer (i've got all my cd's as mp3s in a big list on my computer...), well, anyway, it made me think of this book i read ages ago ("mordant's need" by stephen donaldson), & as the song played i remembered it vividly. i just realised this was because when i was reading the book, i was listening to this song (album) heaps. i've gotta say that these two things are now stuck together in my strange twisted mind, & hearing it is more than just hearing the song. not quite music effecting your taste in movies, but it's kinda close.
seemed kind of interesting as i began typing it, sort of lost it's point by now, but i've typed this much by now, so i might as well just press the post button...
@FatherVic: Looks like you have not been here in quite some time, Miguelitos are no longer made, but cajeta, quick and the other stuff still available...

I never knew why people liked Miguelitos, do you like a sore tongue?:confused:
@the face of smeg: I know the phenomenon. I'ts quite cool acctually, but sometimes it is rather annoying. Like I was listening to the Mind's I just after my girlfriend broke up for half a year ago... although everything is alright between us now (again...) it is quite painful listening to those songs. Especially the ending track hurts... the true essance of melancholy. On the other side there are songs reminding me of other... more pleasant stuff =)
@tFoS: it happened to me in many albums/songs....the most deep feeling on those is with My Friend Of Misery, everytime I hear the song, I remember my hours playing Lands of Lore :)

@thanatos: well I was there 3 years ago and came back with a backfull of them. Why aren't they available anymore???
and Pelón PeloRico is still being done??? I loved tamarindo itself :)
and well my tongue never ached, I love real_hot sauces, I even liked chiles toreados...but well those nearly "sleeped" your lips :p

fathervic (still loving mexican food)
Originally posted by FatherVic
[B@thanatos: well I was there 3 years ago and came back with a backfull of them. Why aren't they available anymore???
and Pelón PeloRico is still being done??? I loved tamarindo itself :)
and well my tongue never ached, I love real_hot sauces, I even liked chiles toreados...but well those nearly "sleeped" your lips :p

fathervic (still loving mexican food) [/B]

How am I supposed to know? maybe they went out of business because of the fall of Nasdaq and Dow Jones values...
Yeah pelones are still being made, they are ok though, miguelitos were pure chile, I don't know why people like to eat that kind of stuff just insane quantities of chile and lemon, it's ok if you like it, but in a few years I'll be laughing while you all chile lovers are dying from colon cancer.
c'mon, if chile provoked colon cancer half of the mexican population would die from that!!!
I know that with the years I'll have an ulcera....bigger and bigger. At least it will make me company when I feel lonely....but fear it won't have much conversation! :p
I was watching House on Haunted Hill a few minutes ago... I am now taping it...

Despite the critics saying it was horrible; it is really creepy...

The beginning was just disturbing...
@farthervic: Well...half the mexican popultaion's got gastritis (don't know the english word for that), send greetings to your ulcera from me, hope you like milk.

@mousewings: The beginning of H.O.H.H is great, the rest of the movie....boring.
Originally posted by Thanatos

@mousewings: The beginning of H.O.H.H is great, the rest of the movie....boring.

I haven't seen it yet, but it has indications of being predictable. I have heard that the one guy and girl (Eddie and Sara, I believe) are the only two that survive. I thought that they would since they were the only two likable characters. It would be "wrong" in the Hollywood sense to kill them off. The DVD with edited parts shows that they got married and lived "happily ever after". :rolleyes:

Anyone seen "Moulin Rouge"? Even if it was cliched, I kinda liked that movie.
I liked HOHH I think, the end was cliched, well so was the whole movie, but I think it was generally good.

Anyone seen Rockstar? I rented it last night and thought it fucken ruled! :rock: Interesting look at 80s metal , pretty damn good movie i must say tho.
I just finished watching "House on Haunted Hill" last night. The ending was really lame, as the idea of the "evil spirit type creature" was used in so many movies (eg. The Haunting, etc.).

The sickest, most twisted things were the skinned people who were in the display cases (there is a real skinned person on a skinned horse in a museum somewhere, but the one in the movie was not real)
...and the vat of blood. I like blood, but it was pretty disgusting being in a huge tank. I keep on thinking about what the vat was used for...
Hehe, the real Ms. Jenzen is later told she inherited the house and goes up to it... and is butchered.

My family has a huge habit of watching horror movies, so I have seen a lot of them... This one wasn't that bad.
well I loved (and it was spooky to me) when the ghost of the doctor appears on the TV...those movements with the knife in his hand....grrgrr *creeps*

I hated Horror films ever since I watched first Elm Street....I was just a kid and couldn't sleep the whole night watching Freddies everywhere....
so I stayed all my childhood and tenager period fearing horror films so now when I see one it just has no effect on me. I always FEARED them so horribly that now they doesn't seem that spooky anymore!
Originally posted by mousewings

Anyone seen "Moulin Rouge"? Even if it was cliched, I kinda liked that movie.

no, I saw the music video with cristina aguilera wearing that ugly wig and it scared the hell out of me.
ahhhh don't tell me you did not understand, your fellow spaniard wise men invented the verb mamar, and ternerillo, that's a baby cow or bull, mamas como un ternerillo, I was talking about your daily half litre of milk.
oh! hehehehehe well actually I drink it from a big bowl, not from the very rummiant tits I find :p
but well I'm a I can't complain ;)