Does music have to be complicated to be good?


Aug 31, 2003
Or can the music of the simplest of nature be great? What makes music good?

It really depends on the listener. If you look around what most people talk about here, the more complex and technical = the better.

Personally, I don't have anything against complex music, per say, but if there's no feeling in it, it's a pointless listen. Some of the greatest songs ever written are incredibly simple. It all comes down to how the artist conveys their music, or essentially, even what their point is in creating it.
If I only liked complicated music, I wouldn't listen to half the bands I do. On the other hand, hearing technical prowess can often be very cool, but when people go overboard it starts to suck. The ideal is a fine balance of aesthetics and being able the manipulate the instrument in a technically pleasing manner.
I think limiting oneself to the restraining chains of complexity is gonna mean you miss out on a WHOLE bunch of amazing music.
people just wanna hear more and more talent, talent encompasses more than just technicallity complex.
every instrument requires different things to measure talent, and then there's song structure, composition, arrangement, lyrics, etc.

beyond that it is what the listener weighs more. for example someone may focus more on the lyrics of a song than the melody and composition of the song. this is where musical taste comes into play.

i think every band out there has some talent in some area, otherwise they wouldn't be out there or liked at all. the problem is, is when you have bands that can do the same or similar things 100 times better (showing more talent in different areas than just one). this is how you can tell if a band sucks (used in the comparative sense) or not.

beyond the CD and the music, sometimes it is the live show that captivates people. the band displays alot of energy on stage that grabs the fans. they may play two chords and sing about the same shit over and over again, but wow they are able to go crazy.

anyone whose played live understand that no matter how simple the music is, it is pretty hard to go crazy on stage. it takes guts and you gotta know what your doing.
I don't think music has to be complicated to be good. Sometimes if there is too much in a song, too much layering, there is no room for those spaces, rests, to really feel the rhythm. It's almost like there's no anticipation in music that is too complex.

Personally I think it's harder for something simple to be good, that is why I respect it.

But something overly simple doesn't really grab attention and hold a listener's ear long enough.

I get bored with things that are overly complex, it's almost like just showing off. Unless it's done the right way.

I love both. But the middle ground is the place for me.
Skeksis said:
Or can the music of the simplest of nature be great? What makes music good?


complicated, simple? wtf
forgot about creativity and this little thing called feelings? well, you see, many ppl can learn how to play complexed, technically perfect tunes on instruments, but dont you think theres this something more to make some music special??o_O
A good song is a good song, if it is complex or simple it just doesn't matter.
Most of the early Beatles recordings were very simple songs, just well crafted.

I always enjoyed music even before I knew what complex or simple even was. What was odd though is that some of my first albums were of a slightly complex nature, I had no clue at the time I just thought this is what it was.
generally it doesnt have to be complicated to be good, but if it's complicated it's usually tons more interesting which makes the song better than an average song. this is especially true for metal. but bands like U2 have hardly any complication in their music and they still put out great records.