Does your location influence your musical taste?


Jag är kejsaren
Oct 2, 2001
Melbourne, Australia
For example, I would assume black metal for instance would be more popular in Europe than in America, and gore or death would be more popular in America. That's a huge generalisation, but it would be interesting to see which sub-genres are most popular here.

Now what countries are people from here? I'm from Australia and I like black metal.

And you? :p
The states and I mostly like 80s hard rock/heavy metal and thrash (Bay Area, German, just thrash) but I also really like trad/power metal bands, and some death/black. Mostly anything minus the newer so-called metal bands.
I suppose it could play a factor, but I find myself listening to more and more European bands. I live in the US, btw. I like most genres of metal, but my favorites are Technical, Thrash, and Progressive. I don't care much for black or death metal, but there are some bands I dig in those genres. I like some doom, goth, and power metal as well. I don't like nu-crap at all, as should be expected.
I'm from the states, but I am now into Opeth, Meshuggah, Dimmu Borgir, etc. etc. So technology has definately closed the geographical gap (like godisanathiest was getting at)
I think it has more to do with culture than location per se. I'm in the South Eastern USA, and my favorite kinds are Doom/Death and Scandinavian Folk/Metal.
i live in nyc and i listen to death black thrash ect.. so it doesnt really matter but its kind of bad for atmosphere....i would rather live near a a real one i mean.
At first, I didn't really like the fact that I lived in the middle of the woods. Now that more people are moving here, and the trees are slowly going away, I find that I really miss the feeling of isolation. I never liked going out into the woods all that much, but I find that I'm starting to wish the woods were still there. I can hear the road now, and that's not nice.
hm dunno... Germany is strongly persuated by American mainstream-shit like RnB, Hip Hop and Nu Metal... almost everyone is a "Hopper" or thinks he'd be one... There is no real German music that I would like afaik... Metal from here has no German roots. Either they "copy" Scandinavian Black/Death or American Thrash or they do something on their own :D I like scandinavian Black/Death most, then Thrash/Speed Metal, Power and True Metal. But is has nothing to do with the location, although I live right under Scandinavia. ;)
Ok I live in America and over here americans love rap metal bands like Limp Bizkit. They are starting to like death metal but its of the Slipknot kind.

Me personally I love black metal and some death metal.

It does and it doesn't.....I'm from Northern California and I love the old school Bay Area thrash sound, but I'm just down the highway from where KoRn was born and spawned a thousand clones, but I friggin' hate nu-metal.
I think location can affect musical tastes, but not in the 'I live three kilometres away from where Eric Clapton used to walk his dog' sense... I reckon it's more to do with culture, as Drexle accurately stated. If you live in an area with a rock population of zero, it's hard to get into rock and metal music, as you don't have the exposure to new music and the encouragement that you get being part of a metal community.
Before I started hanging around with a group of metalheads not too far from where I live, all I listened to was Dio, Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Alice Cooper, etc... basically my dad's record collection. After that, my mates got me into nu-metal. These mates then introduced me to others who were into punk, who introduced me to death metal fans... and everything kind of snowballed from there, so now I'm the cross-genre loving freak that I am.
If I was hanging around with another group of people, I may be lsitening to Steps right now...
G'day mate, i'm from Brisbane Australia and I'm mostly into scandinavian stuff like Gardenian, Opeth and Cryptopsy but I can see that australian metal is on the rise. Everyone should be buying stuff like Dreadnaught and the new tassy death metal Psycropsy....Australia start bangin your heads and f*cken shit up:heh:
Well, Im from India and we dont have ANY metal culture here..just
some amateur bands who survive on doing covers...and you get very few original albums..but hail MP3s!! ':)'
Actually its a blessing of sorts cos you dont get hooked on to any particular genre or scene..I listen and appreciate the American death metal scene(be it Floride or NewYork) as well as the scandinavian metal bands, not to forget even bands like Lux Occulta from Poland or Rotting Christ from Greece or Rudra from Singapore(btw, they are Indians originally)
For instance, its very difficult for someone living in Gothenburg (or Goteborg as they say) to look outside the local scene..Frankly I wouldnt if I lived there!!