Your Perspective, please.


Dec 3, 2005
Metal, imo, is by far the most vast in sub-genres and in talent compared to other types of music. I also think that different types of metal sound good mixed with other genres.. Lets say for example, orchestrated with black metal, or classical piano/intense keyboarding incorporated into some death or progressive- having equal focus on the two genres-a major contrast, if you will. Even techno in some cases- namely synthesizers and such, put into some good death metal music... I personally love it when different genres of music collide together like that.

What genres of music would you like to see come together? Name ones that already have...if they are good, reccomend them..also what genres do you think should definately not go together and name some people that have totally made a joke out of trying...

Id like to read it.
i think death metal and melodic metal should NOT come together *with few exceptions, death's later albums are the exception but i dont really concider them melodeath but some do). i think ambient black metal (with low fi sound) and industrial should come together. i think extreme thrash, tech/prog metal, and industrial should defently come together. tribal music, industrial, circus music, jazz, death metal, doom (not really slow but pentagram slow), and math metal should defently go together. industrial, ambient, neo classical, funeral music, and doom metal should be mixed together. industrial, amient, and drone should be mixed and it should be extremely dark.
Not go together
Rap and Metal!

Cool together
like you mentioned orchestrated pieces and choirs with black metal
Sometimes techno type stuff - just look at rammstein :rock: :erk:
How shit was it when fucken snoop dog did Sad but true at that metallica mtv icons thing - fuck that was aweful
Holly.R.Wells said:
LOL! haha i can just picture it

" whats up my homies, time to rap a little death metal in the hiz houusee..heres Knee Deep in menstrual blood feat. Snoop Dogg and lil john.. HIT THE MAD NOTE!"

hah i love it.

you dont have to picture anything. it happened like 7 years ago. wtf
I want to hear mexican polka metal....
It would be cool to see a fat accordian player dressed as a cowboy, jamming along a band that plays similar to finntroll.
As flamed as a may get for this, I like it when Grind is incorporated with Electronica elements a la Gigantic brain or Ganglia, I'd be interested to hear more of this in Death metal.
cookiecutter said:
I like when metal bands use bluesy solos, like the Hypocrisy song "Drained".

Black Sabbath, der dee derp.:Smug:

Also, Candira is the closest thing to rap-metal that is any good, though their sound is more accurately described as 50% hardcore, 30% rap, 15% jazz, and 5% metal.