Does your shitty radio stations in your area play metal?

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Never banned
Oct 14, 2009
Ayn Rand is dead hahahahaha
I don't listen to the radio unless I am with someone but if not than no.Radio to me is very boring to listen to and to many commercials with the same songs played all year long.The only metal I hear on the radio is Black Sabbath,Judas Priest,Iron Maiden,Metallica and Ozzy.
If they do it's shitty, but I often listen to czech country radio, which is fun.
I don't listen to the radio unless I am with someone but if not than no.Radio to me is very boring to listen to and to many commercials with the same songs played all year long.The only metal I hear on the radio is Black Sabbath,Judas Priest,Iron Maiden,Metallica and Ozzy.

Okay, I have some time to kill.

I don't listen to the radio unless I'm with someone. To me the radio is very boring, because there are too many commercials and they play the same songs all year long. The only metal I hear on the radio is stuff by Sabbath, Priest, Maiden, Metallica, and Ozzy.
Some, but it's mostly metalcore shit or later Metallica. Once in a while, they'll play AiC or Iron Maiden, which is cool.
Melbourne has two thriving community radio stations that play pretty much everything, so I have no need to listen to shitty commercial radio. The metal show on 3RRR was how I found out about new metal releases when I was a kid.
Once in a while, I'll hear some Ozzy, Sabbath, or some Priest. Oh and once in a great while some Slayer.

I have nerver heard Slayer on the radio but I have heard Pantera which that and old Metallica are about the heaveiest thing that not a metal show on the radio.I don't listen to the radio unless im with someone but I have heard the 3 bands like Ozzy/Sabbath and Priest on the radio too.
Yes; Seek & Destroy, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Sanitarium (Welcome Home), One, Enter Sandman, and Nothing Else Matters. If I'm lucky, Breaking the Law as well.
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