don't be retarded, post like a man, how immature

Can I give you my msn instead?

I never use AIM, except in special cases (which I won't bore you with)

Translated using porn-speak:

Can Me and a gallon of my man cheese give you and anyone else who'll fuck me my msn instead? and could you give my brother a rim job while he fucks The Tongue (myself) in the ass?

I never use AIM, except in special cases (which My rock hard cheeks won't bore you and your horny sweet round tits with)
I know that. But I won't add anyone unless I recognize who they are. So it's not like they can do much.
These old threads with all the old hooligans and their ridiculous posts take me back to a very special time on the internet that can never again be imagined. This board used to be so epic. I miss those days and those people.