John Bush is very monotone and most of his vocals sound the same.
John Bush joined to the band when downhill on every album they put out with him.
Oh, and I love this gem
On this forum there are a ton of kids that didn't even know about Anthrax until they heard a John Bush era song. They can't possibly know what it was like to be an Anthrax fan back then and then to see the band go in the direction they went.
Bush is very monotone and has very little range
Blah blah blah, as far as me hating on Joey?
All the clowns saying Joey is a weak front man have some learning to do. He can hold a room.
The point is both of these men are very talented singers, accoplished musicians, and commanding performers
Joey has a great voice. He's a strong front man though the half mic stand needs to go.
You seem to be so hell bent on how bad the bush era sucked and how everyone should fall into line with your opinion. Music doesn't work that way. And it shouldn't. Be a man and just face up to the fact that some people like and *gasp* prefer the bush era music. Record and concert ticket sales be dammed. Some people prefer Bush's voice over Joey's even on some of or all the Joey era songs. Prefer.
I can't speak for everyone but I grew up on the Bush era tunes. I remember walking to work when I was 16 jamming SOWN on tape. I crossed the finish line at the Chicago Marathon for the first time while "Any Place but Here" was on my IPOD. These songs hold some value in my world. Does this take away from Joey's skills in anyway? No. I remember seeing the reunion tour in Chicago and then jammin POT in my car for days. It didn't take away from the John era at all.
I get you prefer Joey. Nothing wrong with that, but you spend more time shitting on music people like than saying anything of any real merrit. Cut the shit, put on your big girl panties and just agree to disagree. I think just about everyone wants to here something new from the band.