Well, this was one of my first ever runs out on the road, for my first repo position at Colortyme in Providence. Anyway, this bitch was over 30 days past due on, if I remember correctly, a 36" television and something else. Apparently she moved, and by luck, or lack thereof, we get to the joint at the same time as the landlord is about to drill out the lock because he hasnt heard from her in the same amount of time w/o any rent. So the door gets broken into, we go in and it REAKS of just putrid smells (more on that in a bit). Dirty clothes, old trash, just shit EVERYWHERE like a cyclone hit up the apartment. I even saw a pretty good sized rat run across the parlor as I entered the premises. No sign of the television or w/e it was else we were wanting...I think it was some kind of furniture. Go into the other room and there is a dead hamster in it's cage, blood smeared all up the wall. Come to find out she got into a fight with her boyfriend and pulled a knife out and stabbed him in the leg. I opened up the closet, and literally skin & bones...STUCK to the floor was this dead cat. You could tell this was a beautiful cat too...some weird exotic looking cat. But yeah, didnt look so hot, nor did it smell pretty, after being starved to death and it;s flesh becoming one with the floor. So suffice to say, we didnt get our stuff back.

Now mind you, this was during my first 1-2 weeks on the job. Exciting.