Gaming Thread

hahahaha. Yeah, i'm eagerly awaiting Civ 4, i've got 2 copies reserved, sadly I'm a ways down the list. I can't wait to kick my dads ass in some multiplayer games.
I'm still battling the world of warcraft addiction. Bought the epic mount for my hunter today.
my only problem with WoW is its pvp. But i'm gonna give it another shot, problem is I like time now that weekends = party time. Finally got some friends here now.
I have 2 lvl 60 characters and one lvl 37.

a friend of mine has a /played of 83 DAYS on his mage, since february. To his defense he was allowed to play at work.
i hate people who can play at work. I think my /played in WoW was like 16 days over an 8 month period. In my defense, i had nothing else to do on weekends.

Dark Age was pretty bad, I had 8 level 50s, and each of them had around maybe 40 days /played (most of that is running 2 of them at once, so it's not something you can calculate with multiplication)

my dads main character on hibernia had a /played of 80 something. But that was over a year and a half. We both worked graveyard shift so we played we were awake when everyone else we knew was sleeping.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I quit WOW finally when the summer ended. I wasn't able to survive replacing sleep with Warcraft and then working all day.

Back in 2001 I used to get up at 4.00 am just to get my Age of Empires II campaigns evolving, leave home 5.45 am, almost 2 fucking hours door-to-work commuting, get back 8.00 pm, eat junk and play some more until body wreckage complete. Good I didn't have a girlfriend by then, I have no clue where I'd have squeezed her in the pattern.
Battlefield 2 is all I play right now, LOVE IT. Been tempted to throw in my boy's Rise of Nations.

Looking forward to: Rise of Legends (wow) and Supreme Commander.

EDIT: Also purposely avoided WoW due to the addict factor! I started Everquest and learned my lesson with those games.
Sad thing is that I have 3 Gamecube games that are unplayed because of WoW. I wonder if I will be able to break the wow habit even for the new Zelda.
I'm playing zelda: ocarina of time on an emu right now. didnt know there was a new one coming out though. i know that wind waker (i think that was the one) had that gay cell shaded shit which ruined the game, not to mention the animation was just shitty. WE NEED MORE ADULT LINK.
I hardly play RTS anymore, these days all I need is pretty straightforward entertainment. I got Pro Evolution Soccer 5 lately and I must say virtual soccer doesn't get better. The gameplay is huge and the realism of AI moves A+. Anyone up for a challenge?
Any of you play Shadow of the Colossus yet? It was so good I went and bought the company's other game Ico. Though with school work and F.E.A.R. I haven't gotten around to it yet. Ico is a cult classic supposedly. I hope SotC gets more play that than did by the gaming populace.

Oh, and Ninja Gaiden 2 is now in development. :headbang: Man I hope it comes out for the PS3 because I don't want to get a 360 at this point.
Chromatose said:
man I dunno, I have a feeling the new zelda game is gonna be a good one

They need a Zelda: The Return of Ganon, or something like that. The way this game ends just kind of pisses me off and I always forget about it until i beat it again.