Gaming Thread

I've been playing F.E.A.R. lately

so far, freakin' sweet game

I've been disappointed because there's not a whole lot of horror style games for PC (that I know of, has there been anything since Undying?? I remember reading about some new Lovecraft game earlier this year, but what became of that?? was it call of cthulhu?)

it definitely keeps me on edge while playing, pretty creepy
yeah, the cthulhu game was launched on Xbox during Halloween. It got pretty good reviews. Something around 8.5/10 and they said it was pretty scary at some occasion.
good to know, I'm sure I read about a PC release, so maybe this is yet another of those times with a delayed PC release, since I'm almost positive I haven't seen the game around anywhere
Chromatose said:
good to know, I'm sure I read about a PC release, so maybe this is yet another of those times with a delayed PC release, since I'm almost positive I haven't seen the game around anywhere
I never heard of a pc version but I wouldn't be surprised if there's one soon.
anyone interested in Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion? I saw pictures a while ago, but now the E3 demo video is out and it looks like its gonna KICK ASS! i've been completely out of the loop with gaming stuff for a few years, so for all i know all these graphical tricks and fancy AI could be standard or obsolete by now, ah.. but this looks sweet!
Yeah, I saw something on tv about the pc version of FEAR apparently theres a downloadable demo somewhere. looks pretty freakin sweet to me. What I'm waiting for is Final Fantasy 12. It looks fucking amazing so far.
I very rarely play computer games these days, but I'm really looking forward to Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Final Fantasy XII.

EDIT: Also looking forward to Heroes of Might and Magic V!
FEAR ownz. I'll have to check out Elder Scrolls and HOMM 5 when they come out for sure.

I don't play much on my computer anymore either, other than the odd bit of WoW for an hour here and an hour there.
WoW drains your soul. Everyone I know who plays wow is worth nil in the real world. :/ They spend their lives worrying about that new shield thats +20 def.
yeah, I was like that during the week when in high school (mostly cause I did my homework while in class, and all my frineds had to do all their shit after school). Got broed of that.

I spend maybe... 3 hours a week on wow, and only if I have NOTHING better to do (beats watching TV).
Understandable to play it out of boredom. I just hate seeing so many people waste their lives on it.
Quick question for the computer literate guys.

I am looking to buy a laptop and would prefer one that allows for heavy gaming. Is there something I should be looking for? Brand? Certain specs?

Also want a gaming keyboard and mouse.

FYI, the gaming piece is for a 13 and 10 year old. My kids love watching all those youtube gaming videos and I thought it would be nice to allow them to play those games while its my custody time

Also, I have only my phone so I need laptop anyway
there are gaming laptops but you'll be paying twice the price for half the performance and they are huge and have shitty battery life and shitty thermals so what's even the point of getting a laptop

if you're gonna do "heavy" pc gaming, you really still want a desktop pc