Gaming Thread

I'm not much of a gamer, but I'm currently playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and probably haven't enjoyed a game this much since I was a teenager.

That's an incredible game. Best in the series since Majora's Mask.

As a teenager I played both console and PC. I think the last gen console that I was really obsessed with though was PS2 (I bought a PS3 last year with like 7 games for next to nothing). Over time I drifted more towards PC. I was an Age of Empires II fanatic in my teens and then I got into the Total War series. In general, I really like historical strategy games and they tend to have a lot more depth, replayability, mod capability, etc. on PC.
breath of the wild is so, so good. i'm a real zelda guy and this is one of the best ever. had to buy a switch just to play this game basically. played it for like 100+ hours and found all the shrines and pretty much 100%:d it, which is not something that usually happens for me

haven't felt such a genuine sense of exploration and discovery since back when i played link to the past as a wee lad


1. a link to the past
2. breath of the wild
3. twilight princess
4. the wind waker
5. ocarina of time
breath of the wild is so, so good. i'm a real zelda guy and this is one of the best ever. had to buy a switch just to play this game basically. played it for like 100+ hours and found all the shrines and pretty much 100%:d it, which is not something that usually happens for me

haven't felt such a genuine sense of exploration and discovery since back when i played link to the past as a wee lad


1. a link to the past
2. breath of the wild
3. twilight princess
4. the wind waker
5. ocarina of time

I would personally swap Twilight Princess with Ocarina, but otherwise I agree! Link to the Past will forever be the greatest game of all time. If you haven't tried the remake of Link's Awakening then I would recommend you give it a whirl. It's pretty much what you're expecting, but I had a great time. Apparently they're pretty close to finishing up the BoTW sequel. Its the same engine/graphics/whatever.... more or less just an expansion upon this "world" which I'm completely fine with. Kind of like Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask.
I have never played a Zelda game beyond Link's Awakening, but I loved that one, A Link to the Past, and the original.

Zelda II introduced me to the concept of anxiety, I should probably see a therapist some day about those blue knights.
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I would personally swap Twilight Princess with Ocarina, but otherwise I agree!
i know for most people ocarina is better than twilight princess but i feel like twilight princess is a more atmospheric and better executed version of the same general style of game, i really loved it when it came out

two caveats though

1. my rating is based on the gamecube version, not the wii version. i think the wii controls are pretty dumb and detract from the experience

2. i never had a n64 back in the day and played ocarina way late so i don't have nostalgia rose-goggles for it

Link to the Past will forever be the greatest game of all time.
yeah man, you get it

i mean personally on my list secret of mana is usually #1 and LttP is #2 but it's a tight race, link to the past is easily a better designed game but... the feels

If you haven't tried the remake of Link's Awakening then I would recommend you give it a whirl. It's pretty much what you're expecting, but I had a great time. Apparently they're pretty close to finishing up the BoTW sequel. Its the same engine/graphics/whatever.... more or less just an expansion upon this "world" which I'm completely fine with. Kind of like Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask.
maybe i'll get the remake after all. i've played nearly every other zelda game but that one didn't interest me very much. it seemed a little lazy to peddle essentially the same gameboy game as a full price title but ehh... we'll see, if i find it cheap it might be fun

hella hyped for breath of the wild 2, more of the same is fine with me, i was actually kind of disappointed they didn't do more DLC for the original. there was still a lot of life left in that world imho
I got into Zelda with Ocarina of Time so I have never spent much time with the earlier games.

Currently (and probably driven mostly by nostalgia):

1. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
3. Breath of the Wild
4. Twilight Princess
5. Wind Waker

I think I've completed the top 3 at 100%. Breath of the Wild is a remarkably immersive game. If not for nostalgia it would probably be #1 easily. The landscapes are incredible, there is this real sense of melancholy in the atmosphere, and I love the degree of items of available to collect.
The original Zelda is the GOAT. I had that game down so pat when I was a kid that I could go through it all and beat it in 3 hours flat no problem.

Zelda II was fucking HARD. I don't think I ever beat it.

edit: Holy shit...I just checked Youtube vids and, yes!, I did indeed beat Zelda II and saved Hyrule! :kickass:
I only ever played Link to the Past but it remains, along with FF6, the most memorable teenage gaming experience. Only fun and logical gameplay and effective storytelling without unnecessary abstraction went into this game. True entertainment for all ages.

Right now I'm kinda spellbound by Death Stranding. Not by the uber convoluted and largely nonsensical story, not by the mechanics and goals even if I'm not insensitive to the irony of the game being a gigantic Fedex simulation with a heavily telegraphed social network dimension. What is awesome with this game is the beauty and general feel of its open world. The feeling of roaming a real landscape is unprecedented, often quite poetic, and I can't get enough. In that sense it's a success.
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I guess I should finally check out Death Stranding then? It's such a toss up....I have no idea what to expect or it's up my alley since it's such an outlier of a game. It's also very polarizing. I have no idea wtf side of the fence I will fall on with it so I keep waiting for it to hit $15-$20 on sale and even then...

The best game for PS4 that I have played it that is a game where I can just get completely lost within it's open world. The Witcher 3 is in at the #2 spot.
The original Zelda is the GOAT. I had that game down so pat when I was a kid that I could go through it all and beat it in 3 hours flat no problem.

Zelda II was fucking HARD. I don't think I ever beat it.

edit: Holy shit...I just checked Youtube vids and, yes!, I did indeed beat Zelda II and saved Hyrule! :kickass:
the OG legend of zelda would probably be #6 on my list

the sense of wonder, exploration and mystery -- doing so much creatively with so little technology -- all the innovation and the pure fun and balanced gameplay of it -- what i'm sayin is it still holds up in 20202021

now zelda II is a whole other ballgame. what i'm sayin is: it fuckin sucks balls
I guess I should finally check out Death Stranding then? It's such a toss up....I have no idea what to expect or it's up my alley since it's such an outlier of a game. It's also very polarizing. I have no idea wtf side of the fence I will fall on with it so I keep waiting for it to hit $15-$20 on sale and even then...

Both fans and haters are very dedicated to being fans/hating, so yes, the polarizing aspect is what drew me in in the first place. Also, when I implied that the story is kinda bullshit, it does not actually suck as in I don't give a shit about it (I mean with 30 minute long cutscenes, better feel at least some kind of involvement), it's just a weird mishmash of straightforward post-apocalyptic setting and brainy back story with some layers that feel extremely labored or random. But it's an ok story when you choose to give in to it (suspension of disbelief is key). On the whole think of a potentially cool SF scenario partly outsourced to inept writers. At its best, the mystery and abstraction work, atmosphere and music aiding. The characters are likeable too. There's also an awful lot of customization, fan service and nods to other games if that's your thing.

Also, it's a game that is best enjoyed stretch by stretch, 'cause yeah it's easy to burn yourself out if you start taking up 10 delivery assignments at once... Actually planning out the game world is one of the most interesting aspects, and that's where the online mode comes in.
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I pretty much only bought a Switch to play the Zelda games at the start of our lockdown, and I bought Link's Awakening (having loved the original game) first but never really got off the ground with it. I was far more interested in playing Tetris to be honest :tickled:. I'm going to go back to it though once I finish BoTW though as playing this has completely sparked my interest again. I'm glad I'm so late to the party with this as means I'll have a lot less waiting around for this sequel.
Anyone played Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice?
I thought the game was really well made.

Second part is about to come out:
I thought that game was annoying AF. I returned it the next day. The concept was pretty awesome and was a rad headphone experience but them dumbass rune puzzles were awful and the combat was kinda lame too.
I thought that game was annoying AF. I returned it the next day. The concept was pretty awesome and was a rad headphone experience but them dumbass rune puzzles were awful and the combat was kinda lame too.
That wasn't my favorite part, yeah. I liked the psycho experience of the game a lot though
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I watched a friend play it on Twitch for an hour or two. It looked like a smooth enough game and the emotional rendition looked topnotch. It's not a game I'd enjoy playing myself I think.

Waiting for Hollow Knight part 2. The first one is fantastic!
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