Download the sample:


the webmistress
If you've been having trouble downloading the .mp3 from the Century Media site, there are several other ways of obtaining the song. If you have a mirror location available, post the URL here. Regretfully I can't put it under because no doubt the server would either crash or we would exceed our bandwidth limit.

This is a thread for people who are willing to share the song through AIM or mirror link etc. If you are looking for the song, contact people through PM or e-mail, don't use this thread.

Locations for download are:
ghostwriter, junior, I'll do it when I come home... although I still don't know what you are and why you didn't like my jail-photo... :D
I work at a chain record store in the US and after hearing the samples I made SURE we would have this on release date... it will rock!
i already download the intire alboum .
now im waiting to buy the original alboum soon .
it's very good and powerfull.

i need some more time to get used to it ...
but i know that i will love it like all of thier alboums.