I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on downloading mp3s. I know a lot of bands are scared of people doing this, but i honestly don't see the problem (read on before getting upset). I think it can be an incredibly useful tool. for instance, i have downloaded stuff from vintersorg, evergrey, symphony x, opeth, stratovarius, kamelot, iced earth, the haunted, death, arch enemy, children of bodom, etc. I still have many of them on my computer and i have all of their cds in my collection, not to mention many other bands people may not have heard of much (suidakra, cadaveria, dragonland, etc.) because of hearing them before i buy. Here in olympia, the only store that carries any type of metal, cds are between 20 and 25 bucks a piece, so i want to know what i am getting before i buy. I think bands should embrace mp3s more because my collection has grown more from that than anything else. Besides, the main bands that bitch are like metallica and have enough money anyway, so to hell with them