Downloading mp3s


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on downloading mp3s. I know a lot of bands are scared of people doing this, but i honestly don't see the problem (read on before getting upset). I think it can be an incredibly useful tool. for instance, i have downloaded stuff from vintersorg, evergrey, symphony x, opeth, stratovarius, kamelot, iced earth, the haunted, death, arch enemy, children of bodom, etc. I still have many of them on my computer and i have all of their cds in my collection, not to mention many other bands people may not have heard of much (suidakra, cadaveria, dragonland, etc.) because of hearing them before i buy. Here in olympia, the only store that carries any type of metal, cds are between 20 and 25 bucks a piece, so i want to know what i am getting before i buy. I think bands should embrace mp3s more because my collection has grown more from that than anything else. Besides, the main bands that bitch are like metallica and have enough money anyway, so to hell with them ;)
Becuase this topic has been played to death. If it wasn't for mp3's I wouldn't have found most of the bands I listen to today. I have bought over 200 albums becuase of mp3's so that old lame excuse that its ripping off the industry and the bands doesn't sit with me.

I think mp3's are VERY useful for today's "underground' metal community... because there is not other outlet for this type of music, unfortunately.

It may cut in the sales of crap like Christina Aguilera or Ja Rule... but metal fans are hardcore... we love the music... we don't buy an album for the 2 hit singles and hate the rest of the filler... we buy the music because we love it and we want to support the band.

Downloading mp3's has led me to discover many of today's great "unknown" metal bands.
If not for Napster (R.I.P.) I would be without Evergrey, Kamelot, Evergrey, Dark Tranquility just to name a few. Between friends and I easily 50 cd's purchased . Tired of buying a $15 disc w/ 2 good songs on it. R.I.C.A. , lil' lars SUK ME:flame:
i would never stand in line at the cd-store to get a chance to listen to some new metal. there fore i love the ability to dl metal on my pc. i can listen to some songs at home and be headbanging (if i would to that at the store they all look at me funny) ive "found" all my latest favo bands by dl mp3`s. such as evergrey. they i wanted the lyrics so i went and bought the cd.

a metal heart is hard to tear a part.

rock on!!
ProgMetalFan said:
It may cut in the sales of crap like Christina Aguilera or Ja Rule... but metal fans are hardcore... we love the music... we don't buy an album for the 2 hit singles and hate the rest of the filler... we buy the music because we love it and we want to support the band.

Downloading mp3's has led me to discover many of today's great "unknown" metal bands.

I really don't see why so many metalhead thinks that his music is better than others. Metal isn't a supreme form of music. Let the people have their tastes.

Mp3's have also helped me to discover many great bands, for example Evergrey.



"Must we have the other side, just to feel alive?"
- King Diamond "Just A Shadow"
Esanssi said:
I really don't see why so many metalhead thinks that his music is better than others. Metal isn't a supreme form of music. Let the people have their tastes.

Mp3's have also helped me to discover many great bands, for example Evergrey.



"Must we have the other side, just to feel alive?"
- King Diamond "Just A Shadow"

Yes, you are correct. Evergrey is not superior to Boyzone.
Sticking to the topic of the thread... before we get into another discussion of musical superiority and personal tastes...

I believe mpIII's are great, I have a very limited income with it comes to buying CDs. So, as posted, I like to know what I'm getting before I buy. There are only two bands that this has not happened with, and neither has dissapointed me... Evergrey and Winds.
Well people may bitch and moan but seriously... This discussions was hot with the tape/cd recorder came as well, the music industry was going to go bankrupt and all that not being able to pay the only hard working people, the artists, but? I can really see a red-thread going through this discussion, mp3's make people buy the good music and flush the shitty music(boyzone LOL). I, just this past month have stocked up on six Children of Bodom cd's (if you don't know who these guys are check them out!!) because of KAZAA. Seriously what a-hole would ripp off thier favorite band? These guys/girls need to make a living I support that by buying a copy of an album just to get the group bread money!! Shit If I don't=no more great music and there we are STUCK with elevator music and BOYZONE.. Well now that I think about it it really doesn't sound that bad... AAAAAAAAAAAARGHhhh
Hey guys, I just made this name. Im new to this board, and actually new to EVERGREY. I have been trying to D/l music of theirs forever now, and I only have 3 songs so far. All 3 are great. I do plan to buy an Evergrey album with my first check from my new job \m/ But anyway...
I agree with you all about the MP3 thing..I also think people and bands taht dont support the mp3 trade thing are retarded because for one....Bands dont get rich off their CD's...they get rich off TOURING, thats what really confused me about Metallica going apeshit...anyway.
Mp3's rule..without them Iw ould have never heard of Iced earth, Nightwish, arch enemy, Children of Bodom, Death, Evergrey, After Forever and I coudl just keep going yeah...\m/ rtock on