Best and easiest file sharing program?

Episteme said:
How exactly do I sign up for Paladin again, because apparently my old login doesn't work anymore.

you need to be approved by an op

edit: doesnt it say this when you try to log in :confused:
I don't get that says this is registered users only, but I have no idea how to get registered. Who would I need to contact?
connections, episteme

you gotta be fly like us niggaz and know the OPs...sexually
No, piss off.

Jokes brethren, if you PM me your desired username and password I will pass it on to one of my mysterious sources and ensure your registration.
Is there any possible way I can get some DC++ client set up so that I can have different folders shared for different hubs at the same time?
Ugh.......that's the feature I need so I can use these other hubs. I've joined a bootlegging hub recently which is non-copyrighted material only and so there I'm sharing my bootleg folder with all the uncompressed formats......and to join another music hub, I need to be able to share my albums folder. It seems like it would be a simple feature to implement, but I don't really know about what goes into the programming, so I don't really have any idea.
Gonna go old school here and say ... IRC...been using it for almost 11 years or so. Never let me down, NEVER!

found everything i ever wanted.
Hmm....not working quite as easily as I thought it would. I got oDC, but when I try to open, it just brings up the DC++ window since that's already open and it's apparently recognizing it as the same program, which it basically is, I guess. Any suggestions?
Oh, and how big is the ultimate metal hub? I'm considering whether to get registered there or in MetalGods.

One other thing.....StrongDC is looking really cool. If I use the "emulate DC++ in hub" option, does that mean that hub won't be able to tell I'm using a different client since StrongDC apparently isn't allowed there?