Dr Yanic - What Pedal(s)?


Dec 16, 2006
ok im sure im not the only one who just NEEDS to know this - what pedal does yanic use? well what pedal or gear a musician uses sure doesnt matter that much but its just curiosity here since i'v been trying to find out for a long time with no luck. evn his site doesnt mention anything abt pedals, or double pedals for that matter, under the gear section.

and for Defiant Indoctrination and other live shows, besides studio recording, does he use triggers?

anyway besides ms roxanne and mr bart any other band members active in this forum?
Hi guys, I just registered at the forum. I'll try to check it out from time to time. I'm not the one to post really often but I'll do my best.

From what I remember, Yanic's drum is all Yamaha and the pedals too I think. I got no idea what model they are. Yanics the only one who'll be able to answer this one I think.

Live, Yanic does use the triggers. He's got the DDrums triggers and sound module.
hi marc! thanks for clearing that up. i too had thought of the possibility of em being yamahas, because he uses a "Yamaha Setup". Triggers or not his legs are machines! Anyway seen one video of youtube some bugger rated pedals and yamaha is 5th..axis and dw 20+ :( Cobras taking 1st..LOL anyway thanks for clearing things up!
MAG! Welcome aboard man! Great to see more QV members getting registered here. By the way, I love your solo album! It kicks ass. Picked it up a while back and have been hooked on it since. Can't wait for the next one :)
Thanks a lot. I'm almost done writing the second album. I just hope it won't take too long to have something officially recorded.
Hey I bought your album thru paypal a while ago, I have to admit it's really amazing, unlike most shred albums out there ( I can't sit through a whole Satriani album for example, it puts me to sleep). Keep up the good work! Hope to see your solo contributions on the next QV album :)
Here's an interesting update.

Until the last batch of shows, Yanic was using DW pedals. But he has just received his new set of Yamaha pedals which he started using during the last shows we just did in Ontario.
WHOA GREAT INFO MAG!!!!!! :D Thanks! My friends and I had always assumed he got his 32nd blasts from axis longboards..we are fools.
WHOA GREAT INFO MAG!!!!!! :D Thanks! My friends and I had always assumed he got his 32nd blasts from axis longboards..we are fools.

either had i...cause i 've seen that derek roddy is playing axis extended pedal for 2-2 techinque so i pressumed ynic uses the same(concerning high speed double bass pedal)