Dragonforce Mania!!!

Dalkaen said:
Haha. I think they intentionally got the guitar tone to sound as close to a video game synth as possible. Which automatically gets them points in my book. How can you not like a band inspired by fucking Wonder Boy in Monster World? I can see how you'd dislike them if you're judging them on serious criteria, but please... DragonForce is hardly a serious band.

Some bands who "arent serious" do a good job of it, to have fun. Bands who turn music into a joke arent one of them. Apparently one of their guitarists said "Slow songs are lame" in an interview iirc.
^ Maybe they are fun for you, but I have downloaded all their albums out of curiosity and after a couple of listens I wish I didn't. I just don't see the fun in listening to Drag-Queen Force, maybe it's the horrible vocalist or the annoying and repetitive guitar wankery??????
they are? for some reason I would think Jeff the emo kid who drives by my house blasting Fall Out Boy everyday is somehow slightly less annoying than Eric the dragon-slaying paladin metalhead guy

but what do i know afaict
yea well whatever dragonforce does its gonna punk out all dem asian videogame freaks, and be like... ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
o me luv dragonforce long time!!!
indie kids get a bad reputation. in their purest and truest form, its rare that i meet any subculture so INTO music and passionate about it as they are. metalheads often care too much about beer. hip hoppers care too much about money, and emo kids do it mainly for the fashion obviously. sure the indie ones may dress like deranged homeless hippies from an andy warhol painting, but the spirit is there, and ive always had great conversations with them. as i love a lot of indie music myself anyway.
they certainly aren't, but they were my first power metal experience, Mano'war and Rhapsody (of Fire) will be my second, this December unless I can get a Blind Guardian gig booked before then. Blind Guardian would kick the arse off all three of them.
Powers said:
they certainly aren't, but they were my first power metal experience, Mano'war and Rhapsody (of Fire) will be my second, this December unless I can get a Blind Guardian gig booked before then. Blind Guardian would kick the arse off all three of them.

you missed the power metal bandwagon by about 10 years just fyi
metal_wrath said:
^ Maybe they are fun for you, but I have downloaded all their albums out of curiosity and after a couple of listens I wish I didn't. I just don't see the fun in listening to Drag-Queen Force, maybe it's the horrible vocalist or the annoying and repetitive guitar wankery??????
I can't get through an entire DragonForce album anymore. The songs are way too long and too repetitive. But I think they're awesome conceptually, and I'd probably go see them if I had the chance. Heh, I'm not even a power metal fan. It's just so corny and geeky and awesome.
NineFeetUnderground said:
indie kids get a bad reputation. in their purest and truest form, its rare that i meet any subculture so INTO music and passionate about it as they are. metalheads often care too much about beer. hip hoppers care too much about money, and emo kids do it mainly for the fashion obviously. sure the indie ones may dress like deranged homeless hippies from an andy warhol painting, but the spirit is there, and ive always had great conversations with them. as i love a lot of indie music myself anyway.

Can you give some recommendations? Because ALL of the indie shit I've heard is, well, shit. Passionless, pretentious shit, with minimal effort for songwriting and a strong emphasis on showing how much cooler the band is because it doesn't care.
coolsnow7 said:
Can you give some recommendations? Because ALL of the indie shit I've heard is, well, shit. Passionless, pretentious shit, with minimal effort for songwriting and a strong emphasis on showing how much cooler the band is because it doesn't care.

well you have pretty questionable taste to begin with. how can i be of the mind that im not wasting my time here?