Dragonforce Mania!!!

ahhhh... there's dragonforce threads everywhere on the forums. What's the big deal with Dragonforce anyways? They are amazing I'm surprised nobody can realize that. I'm also surprised people can't compared one song from another when there is songs like Through The Fire And Flames and Blackfire.
House of Seance said:
they are? for some reason I would think Jeff the emo kid who drives by my house blasting Fall Out Boy everyday is somehow slightly less annoying than Eric the dragon-slaying paladin metalhead guy

but what do i know afaict

thats funny, since fall out boy arent emo.

indie kids get a bad reputation. in their purest and truest form, its rare that i meet any subculture so INTO music and passionate about it as they are. metalheads often care too much about beer. hip hoppers care too much about money, and emo kids do it mainly for the fashion obviously. sure the indie ones may dress like deranged homeless hippies from an andy warhol painting, but the spirit is there, and ive always had great conversations with them. as i love a lot of indie music myself anyway.

In my personal experience, the only 'emo kids' who 'do it for the fashion' are the ones who dont actually listen to emo, but rather indie bands and/or pop-punk and post-hardcore...yet think that theyre listening to emo. honestly...the amount of poeple who think bands like death cab for cutie and taking back sunday and the snake the cross the crown are emo is fucking hilarious...and yet, those are the types that are labeled 'emo kids' and are also generally the type that follow the 'emo fashion trend'
uh, no.

And i never said you had to like it (i happen to like quite a bit of punk oriented music, that just falls in naturally), just that the whole stereotype is baseless, and incorrect, because people generally dont know what the fuck theyre talking about.

It's like someone saying punk is 'gay' because they think that green day are the poster-band of punk, when green day arent punk at all.
Fall Out Boy are emo. They are emo, because they sound like emo, and have vocals distinctive to the emo genre. To say that they are 'not emo' is in fact mistaken.

I find it really hilarious when bands that are clearly part of a genre are said not to be by fans of said genre, merely because they suck and said fans want to disassociate themselves with them..

It would be like me saying Darkthrone aren't metal, simply because I think they suck.
The only good emo ever is Sunny day Real Estate...they were a terrible emo disgrace, but the last 2 albums are pretty awesome, ''The Rising Tide'' sounds like a melancholic indie version of Rush...pretty good.
NineFeetUnderground said:
well you have pretty questionable taste to begin with. how can i be of the mind that im not wasting my time here?

What, because I don't like I'm forbidden music recommendations?

...well, perhaps you can dream of converting a shit-taste n00b into a sophisticated elitist musical-objectivist whose goal is to rid his former comrades of their self-respect with witty remarks and cynicism.
Hmmm, odd that Li's solo is played back in perfect 32nds, thought the whole dual thing at that speed was done a bit by Paul Gilbert.
pop punk:



so google images says:erk: