dragonforce ripping off more than alexi?


Jun 27, 2004
Dragonforce Ripping off Ozzy?
i don't know if anyone posted this before or not, but can you not hear the
blatant ripoff in that? sorry if this has been posted before, but i can't seem to find the button to search on the board. the songs are mr crowly and one dragonforce i forgot the name of at the moment.
Enemy242 said:
Dragonforce Ripping off Ozzy?
i don't know if anyone posted this before or not, but can you not hear the
blatant ripoff in that? sorry if this has been posted before, but i can't seem to find the button to search on the board. the songs are mr crowly and one dragonforce i forgot the name of at the moment.

Lol, welcome to 2001 man.

Everyone knows this, They're not trying to hide it, infact, herman explained it on their forum ages ago :lol:
Also, I can count like 15 instances of alexi stealing bits

and 4 of dragonforce :lol:... nice going man...

+ herman and sam are better on guiatr anyway
Lykathea said:
the song u're talking about is evening star. its obviously and accident, why would sum1 as awsume as dragon force want 2 rip off some ghay pedophile??? and the dragon force si faster so it isnt a rippoff okay

The song you are talking about is Evening Star. It is obviously an accident. Why would someone as awesome as Dragonforce want to rip off some gay paedophile??? The Dragonforce version is faster so it isn't a rip-off, okay?
It's probably some riff that Rhoads and Dragonforce stole from a classical composer.
im mean who really give's a shit if dragonforce has a similar riff to mr crowley? sam and herman are fuckin nuts on the guitar and DF kick shitloads of ass more then ozzy (at least now)
I can't listen to DragonForce because it reminds me too much of Helloween, So whenever I put a DF song I just end up switching it to a Helloween song! But that's just personal opinion.......