Dragonforce's greatest hits album. A must buy!!

Man, today someone brought Guitar Hero 3 to the college cafe, and these 2 guys decided to play Through the fire and the flames, and all of a sudden almost everyone got up to come watch, and I was watching the screen, and the videogame makes it WAY harder than it actually is! And the sad thing is, everyone was like 'OMG LIKE OMG WOWWWW WOWW THAT IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!! OMG THAT IS SO AMAZING, THERE ARE NO GUITAR PLAYERS THAT CAN PLAY AS FAST OR LIKE THAT!!! OMG THEY ARE SOOO AMAZING", and I kindly replied that there was many guitarists that could play that, and could actually play better than the 2 guitarists of Dragonforce, but you know, the video game is creating the fad of liking Dragonforce and the worshipping will probably begin soon. But it cant be helped right? Alot of videogamers find Dragonforce music to be appealing because it is very similar to a videogame.
Man, today someone brought Guitar Hero 3 to the college cafe, and these 2 guys decided to play Through the fire and the flames, and all of a sudden almost everyone got up to come watch, and I was watching the screen, and the videogame makes it WAY harder than it actually is! And the sad thing is, everyone was like 'OMG LIKE OMG WOWWWW WOWW THAT IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!! OMG THAT IS SO AMAZING, THERE ARE NO GUITAR PLAYERS THAT CAN PLAY AS FAST OR LIKE THAT!!! OMG THEY ARE SOOO AMAZING", and I kindly replied that there was many guitarists that could play that, and could actually play better than the 2 guitarists of Dragonforce, but you know, the video game is creating the fad of liking Dragonforce and the worshipping will probably begin soon. But it cant be helped right? Alot of videogamers find Dragonforce music to be appealing because it is very similar to a videogame.

Very very true!!!!
speaking of video games, I'm playing FF8 right now when I have free time on the weekends...it's a pleasant way of passing time between practicing/homework. not having much time means I'm going really slow though...I started back in the last few days of August and I'm only a bit into disk 2 (right after the Fisherman's Horizon deal....for those familar)

/FF hijack
I haven't played FF 8 in ages. I loved that game and REALLY liked the magic set up. I never understood getting all butthurt because you didn't learn spells. It fit the nature of the game incredibly well IMO, and the guardian forces kicked ass. Too bad you couldn't get Eden in the early stages of the game and just own all over everyone's faces throughout the entire game... fuck taht would have kicked major ass.

The card game sucked though. Story ruled.

FF8 > FF7 IMO... i am largely alone in this feeling.
I go back and forth on that (ff7 vs. ff8), generally my answer to that one will be whichever one I played most recently.

Agreed on the magic/junction system.....I like it a lot. I think I might like the system in FFX more though, but both rock.

That card game is brutal....it's very addicting for me. I'll start playing it to try to win some good cards for card-mod purposes and end up wasting an hour.
FF7 =/= FF8

I'm not alone.

Ok seriously, I prefer FF7. The better plot kind of makes up for any negative points. So does the music. FF8 had better playability, though.

Hmm, I was thinking about installing Fallout 2.
You know what would be sweet? If Square re-created Final Fantasy 7 on the PS3 in amazing new powerful graphics. It would be a 10th anniversery thing, and let me tell you, it will sell like hot cakes, and that would also give me a chance to play it all the way through lol.
Wouldn't be a bad idea. I, for one, never cared about graphics (hence Chrono Trigger and FF3 being my two favorite games of that genre, along with being widely regarded as the best... at least in America), but it wouldn't be a bad idea to clean it up, make it look prettier and put it out as an anniversary deal. The only thing i disagree with is selling it for ps3, because that console touches more than a fair bit of dick.
I just started Chrono Trigger for the first time about a week ago.:kickass:

I think they should have redone FF7 for the PS2. PS3 sucks and I am not going to shell out $660 just so I can play FF7 again, with better graphics, for 1000th time.
I think it's a great game so far. I have had it since it first came out for SNES but for some reason never played it. I'm now at the part were I have all of the pieces to the broken sword. Just got the last piece from the frog.
Wow, the topic here changed kind of suddenly there?

I like DF when I heard a promo copy of it back before it came out. I never got into them real big and just would every so often give a casual listen. I kinda forgot about them for awhile during the time the second album came out and didn't hear it until it had been out a while already. It was OK but I noticed how much the same it sounded and kinda became disinterested. I could never listen to them for too long because they got boring fast, however, I still gave IR a fair listen and it didn't do much for me either. It was about that same time the DF started becoming all well known and acclaimed and all that gay stuff and that turned me off even more. People who knew nothing about power metal or really metal in general where claiming that DF had the fastest guitarz and such made me wanna puke on their ignorance.

On the topic of Final Fantasy. CantoX, FF7 is like the DF of FF games.
Wow, the topic here changed kind of suddenly there?

I like DF when I heard a promo copy of it back before it came out. I never got into them real big and just would every so often give a casual listen. I kinda forgot about them for awhile during the time the second album came out and didn't hear it until it had been out a while already. It was OK but I noticed how much the same it sounded and kinda became disinterested. I could never listen to them for too long because they got boring fast, however, I still gave IR a fair listen and it didn't do much for me either. It was about that same time the DF started becoming all well known and acclaimed and all that gay stuff and that turned me off even more. People who knew nothing about power metal or really metal in general where claiming that DF had the fastest guitarz and such made me wanna puke on their ignorance.

On the topic of Final Fantasy. CantoX, FF7 is like the DF of FF games.

I'd actually say that everything that's come out after FF9 is like the DF of FF games :lol:

FF 7 is in no way a bad game either, I just like the structure and story of 8 better. Never actually played through 9, but what little i've seen and what i've heard about it, it sounds kinda fun.
9 is decent. 10 is better, 10-2 has better graphics and gameplay than 10, but worse story, and 12 is fantastic. 11 doesn't even count. 7 is good but highly, highly overrated.
FFVI is the best FF game hands down. I think FFVIII is my 2nd least favorite right after FFII (famicom). FFVII tends to be overated by most people but I think its actually a solid game, but as far as how good it is compared to the rest of the series it falls some where in the middle IMO