Dream theater/into eternity dates

You guys are failing to see the big picture. These guys have withstood the test of time. With the exception of one song in 1993, these guys have had zero radio and tv exposure, yet they are more popular than they have ever been, probably blowing up somewhere as we speak. This is all due to word of mouth and touring their asses off. What other band can play a 3.5 hour set with only 15 minutes in between, night after night to packed houses? Yes, they're great musicians, but you have to look past the musicality to really get it. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't like them, just see WHY people like them.
I listen to music to listen to the music. I don't care how popular something is or what foreign country they're touring in. If I don't like it, I don't listen to it... this is why I don't listen to Dream Theater. Plus, they bore me live. This is why I won't see them live again.
Yes, they're great musicians, but you have to look past the musicality to really get it.
That's one of the reasons DT lasts. Everyone makes them out to be musicians that do nothing but masturbate their instruments, but that is as far from the truth as possible. They don't even really show off so much on their albums in my opinion (as far as wankery goes, I'm not saying their stuff isn't extremely complex).

What does knowledge of music theory have to do with anything? So if you studied it, that means you can't listen to Venom anymore?
It's hard to defend prog metal when so many fans make arguments like this. It's even more annoying than the whole "cookie monster" argument.
What I find fascinating is the assumption that if you are not a Dream Theater fan, that somehow you do not enjoy technical or progressive music, or metal. I mean, I listen to King Crimson, Frank Zappa, early Genesis, all sorts of jazz and fusion, as well bands like Watchtower, Spiral Architect, and Spastic Inc. I feel no reason to "hate" upon Dream Theater, as I think they're very good at what they do and are very excellent musicians. Yet I suspect on the basis that I also happen to love death metal, black metal, and grindcore, I imagine by the perspective of certain persons here, I obviously have no understanding of complex music. Interesting.
Regardless of whether you like Dream Theater or not, you must admit that their last couple of studio albums sucked balls. I say bring back the days of Awake, A Change of Seasons and Scenes from a Memory.

And btw, I saw Into Eternity headlining a few weeks ago and it was fucking amazing.
I also think Awake and I&W are among their best albums.
Images And Words may be one of the greatest prog albums ever. Anyone that says DT are emotionless wankers should listen to that album and see how wrong they are.
I haven't seen them live, but I have seen a lot of live footage. I wasn't bored at all by it. It's not some high energy show, but it's not meant to be. It's just highly trained musicians that can play really complex music with inhuman accuracy, and a hit or miss vocalist, doing what they do best.

I have seen them live many times over the last 10 years or so and that is a great description MH87....