Dream Theater - "Systematic Chaos"

Just saw them this week in Baltimore. They played a lot off of songs off of the new cd, which was very cool, since I have been digging it. I guess time will tell, but I'm personally finding Systematic Chaos to be the most enjoyable DT disk since Images & Words. They didn't play Pull Me Under, which was a bit of a dissapointment to me... oh well.

I was looking forward to the opening acts (Into Eternity & Redemption) just as much as the headliner. I've been listening to both bands a LOT over the past year. Into Eternity had good energy & put on an entertaining show. Would be cool to see them playing a full length set & with the sound system better optomized to their sound.

Redemption was solid, although I was kinda disappointed with Ray Adler's performance... he seemed really bored or drugged up or something & was running off of the stage when ever he got the chance. I think they had somebody filling in for Nick Van Dyk also.
I wish I was able to see them on this tour. I would love to hear ITPOE live! Of coarse they aren't coming anywhere near Florida and I can't afford another trip this year. Hopefully they will make it down here next year on the second US leg.
One of the best, if not the best Dream Theater album ever recorded. Overall one of the better albums in the last 5 years... of all music...