
judas = insane

youre gonna be like donnie darko man. does it tell you to burn things too?

eh whats the weirdest dream anybody has ever had? and speaking of that whole mystery of the mind thing - i remember seeing this video years ago where this guy was trapped underneath a helicopter and another guy singlehandely picks it up to free the guy. there was alos a story i heard about a mother who lifted up a car to save her kid(s) . how the hell is this possible ? to do inhuman things? a surge of adrenaline or something?
Judas, please, tell me that you're kidding, because if you're not, you really need help.
The tone of this thread thus far has been rather low.

Anyone want to posit a reasonable theory for why we dream and explore it?

I'm going to take a shot:

Dreaming is merely the mind finding a way to occupy itself when the usual stimuli it encounters (while we are awake) is dormant - NOTHING more.
derek go to hell.

dreams are supposed to represent the unconscious, meaning if we understood them then maybe we'd know ourselves better. theres plenty of books on the topic, making it a very interesting and researched subject that still a lot of people overlook.

i just had a dream a few days ago that i was drinkin with my grandma then smokin a joint with my friends when the cops rolled up. it kicked ass though cause i got away and went to a party. then i woke up. not sure what it all means - it was actually rather confusing.

judas tell the voice to shut up or ill beat it's ass
I only said that to stimulate discussion, Frank.

I don't genuinely believe that. I just thought that assuming a polarised position on the topic may induce some real debate.
so what do you think of my dream? also when i ran from the cops i remember jumping like on a rope and then having to cross a bridge. after that a bunch of kids showed up after me and started partying
I think the interpretations of dreams are hugely generalised. I think the link between a dream and some manifest reality is tenuous.

I think dreams obviously have some link to the unconcious brain, but I'm at a loss to explain a definate reason as to why we dream and exactly what they mean.

Since this thread has sort of degenerated: Has anyone read Iain Bank's "The Bridge" the topic of dreaming plays an enormous role, it's quite a brilliant novel.
no i havent heard of it. however i found that the meaning that ive looked up in dream books usually are in harmony with the things that they supposedly represent in your waking life. i think ironically as confusing as dreams are, that they are supposed to offer a moment of clarity
I have always felt there was something to apparent randomness, that which can be observed in life events, subtle involuntary and unconscious human behaviour, and of course, dreams. It's no wonder divination has been used throughout the ages and still today; not that this is of course is proof of it's validity.

Thus, I believe, the random firing of neurons, like the throwing of bones on sand, may infact be one in the same process.
judas69 said:
I have always felt there was something to apparent randomness, that which can be observed in life events, subtle involuntary and unconscious human behaviour, and of course, dreams. It's no wonder divination has been used throughout the ages and still today; not that this is of course is proof of it's validity.

Thus, I believe, the random firing of neurons, like the throwing of bones on sand, may infact be one in the same process.

A larger narrative? Perhaps my greatest fault (or strength?) is that I have an infinity to believe in a narrative bigger than what we percieve/imagine/concieve.
More like a deeper connectedness between all things as though everything were unknowingly following in the motion and playing the part of some unseen dance; free from concepts of purpose, meaning, reason.
judas69 said:
More like a deeper connectedness between all things as though everything were unknowingly following in the motion and playing the part of some unseen dance; free from concepts of purpose, meaning, reason.

This is similar to the belief in divinity or supernatural. Consideration of obviousness to depths deeper than where one's senses take him.. or maybe just a needless attempt of trying to see something absent?

Dreams are a product of one's mind, which makes them a resultant of what the human brain interprets as possible.. something based on what has already happened or the person himself sees as possible of happening.

judas69 experiencing a guiding 'voice' or intution (both in and off sleep mode) is nothing but realization, put in simple terms.
This is such a difficult topic because it deals with experience, and ones own belief system as a means of interpretation, which again is often solely grounded on experience.

Quantum mechanics, via a non-locality principle, appears to be in support of what a lot of what the mystics have claimed for centuries now. Our world is definitely less straightforward than we had ever thought because of QM.

I'll end by saying, simple minds will of course have a simplistic view of the world. Your world will only be as complex as your minds ability to interpret and assimilate. When there is a lack of understanding anywhere, it is commonly greeted with cynicism.
case study

A few years ago the absence of one of nature's coolest cats had me in a depression. One night I dreamt an old gypsy woman in an alley told me in my sobbing state to look in a dumpster for my cat. When I lifted the dumpter's lid out came the likeness of my cat, proud tail waving like a fine sail. The oddest feature about him was his eye, which was drawn closed as if from being smashed. I remember how in the dream this upset me, I was in an upset state always it seemed. It would seem the dumpster represented a coffin and the condition of his eye suggested a painful death.

The next day I decided to go to the gym for a minute or two and build on some bone. When I left the gym I decided to walk a different path than my usual one. Within fifty feet I began hearing a meow come from the woods near the path. As I stopped to draw the cat near, I got a good look to see an all white cat with one of her eyes drawn closed, as if she never had one. Just like my missing cat in my dream of the previous night. Because my cat's fur was striped and grey while this cat's fur was all white I presently understood a connection was in service.

I still have yet to figure out this riddle.