
In dreams, your mind doesn't run on the same rules of this world. They do, roughly, however all laws can be broken in the dream world. Your mind doesn't use a conscience in the same way we do here, hence why wierd things happen in our dreams.

If you ever find yourself day dreaming, with no certain topic, its quite the same. Except while dreaming, your mind has the ability to continue the irrational thought and further the imagination, since you aren't aware of a physical world.

Your imagination is just a product of things that don't necessarily seem wrong to you, but things that you wouldn't normally preceive in the waking world. Your 5 senses don't play much of a big part in dreams, either.
i had a dream once that i got wasted and stoned with some friends,woke up and thought i was hungover and drunk/high still. then i remembered a minute later that i had just taken a nap after work and felt sober again. pretty weird.

sorry bout your cat
derek said:
I just thought that assuming a polarised position on the topic may induce some real debate.
i think that the treads should not involve "real" debate, debate turns into argument, and argument turns a thread into being a clone of the dozen or so threads that you youself closed on your 1st day as moderator
the subconcious is very powerfull, it soaks information up like a spunge without you even knowing it. scientists say that you never forget things, you just drop it in the sea of your mind as if it were a brick. who knows, perhaps when your dreaming your swimming through that ocean.
I believe dreams have a connection to what is directly happening around you. Many time's I dream and the music im listening to at the time seeps into the thoughts with the lyrics etc. I've also had dreams of myself being injured and I wake up and I have some sort of cuts/bruises from what happening in the dream.

Why we dream, I don't know.
I will always believe that dreams is a way of the concious and sub-concious minds connecting and talking to each other. Also I believe that creative artists (be it painting, writing, any kind of arts) have a much clear and stronger connection between these two states. I have written a novel as well as almost half a dozen short stories. All have been based (loosely or closely) on dreams that I have had.
First time posting over here...

Any of you guys try lucid dreaming? I never really "practice" but I have had the experience of it on a couple of occasions.

A dream I had recently was at an amusement park, The park entrance had a high rise diving board, probably about 100 stories off the ground. At the bottom was a pool that was 192 feet deep. Exactly 192 feet, all around...not sure why. This diving board was at the entrance, so it was basically the way to get into the park. My brother jumped off, I took the elevator. At the bottom we got in a car to drive to a ride, which was weird; You don't drive to rides at amusement parks. We never actually started driving because the place flooded from one of the water rides. The water subsided and a heavy wind picked up. I looked up out of the front windsheild to the sky and saw someone diving. It was a woman, fully clothed. She was comming down pretty fast and straight and then hit a wind pocket. She then proceeded to fall extremely fast and landed about 50 feet in front of our car with a massive splat/smack. (this was extremely graphich and realistic)
That's the major part I remember, there was a lot of weird stuff that happened during the flood and stuff but I can't seem to peice it all together.

Another thing that happens a lot in my dreams is I'll be in a building or a place that I'm familiar with, but it is not that building at all.
ex. I'd be at my school going to classes, and I'd know my way around the building perfectly. But the building I'm in is not the school I go to
mmetalmilitiaa said:
Another thing that happens a lot in my dreams is I'll be in a building or a place that I'm familiar with, but it is not that building at all.
ex. I'd be at my school going to classes, and I'd know my way around the building perfectly. But the building I'm in is not the school I go to

I get the same thing, and what's interesting about this is that each time I revisit the place in a future dream, it always looks the exact same way it has always looked in the dream state, and yet very different from waking life.