Dredg thoughts

So apparently they have a live album coming out. There are a couple tracks on there i've never heard of though. Does anyone know where the songs "The Warbler" and "New Heart Shadow" came from?
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Dredg are awesome. They have this wonderful uplifting vibe to their music that no other band I know of can really hope to achieve in the same way. All of their albums are great (epec the first 2) and I like how they all sound different to each other. Ive listened to them for a few years now...and theyre definitely one of those bands that seem to stick with me.
I have to admit I had never heard of these guys before. I thought since you were all so excited about them apparently, they must be worth a listen. Personally I don't really see what is either progressive or experimental about I IV V progressions in 4/4 at all. This sounds to me like the same kind of thing Oasis or U2 or the Verve were doing 10 years ago. I could have lived in my former ignorance of these guys quite happily.
worldwide_suicide said:
^extremely stupid of you

Well I don't know marveling over how experimental and progressive that Dredg group isn't extremely stupid. The composition of the progressions are the old I IV V (I bet there is only one other person who has a clue what that means in this forum). They're using common time in the songs I can hear and their isn't much other than basic rhythmic patterns. So my question is how the fuck is that shit experimental? I'd like one of you dipshits to really break it down for me, I really would.