Drop B Bass!

Yup, Alex Webster must really be a bitch for using a 5-string ... :rolleyes: Sometimes the intelligence on this board amazes me.
Well, there was getting your ass handed to you in the Revalver thread (seriously... beta testers are like the annoying girl you slept with because you were really desperate but can't break contact with because she thinks you're destined to be with her), then the attempt to bring recording back to being a 'true reflection of the band' (har har) by arguing about having one guitarist track rhythms, and then there was

Amberience said:
desktop audio workstation (that's DAW for people who aren't dumb!)

in the motherboards thread... long story short, looks like you're a tool.

Well, there was getting your ass handed to you in the Revalver thread (seriously... beta testers are like the annoying girl you slept with because you were really desperate but can't break contact with because she thinks you're destined to be with her), then the attempt to bring recording back to being a 'true reflection of the band' (har har) by arguing about having one guitarist track rhythms, and then there was

in the motherboards thread... long story short, looks like you're a tool.


Are we gonna get into a brawl, or should we just skip to the end and call each other cunts?
Well, either you're going to figure out that you're one of the bigger offenders that brought about the laugh-at-noobs thread and start being respectful and productive, or we will continue to have a laugh at your expense. Given the trouble you've gotten into already for attacking an established and well-respected member of the forum, I wouldn't recommend calling me a cunt.

1. I don't give a fuck if you're all laughing at me in secret skull and bones style wank-a-thons.

2. The "laugh-at-n00bs" thread was about people asking for advice, and not using the search function to find and reasearch it for themselves. So stop making shit up. The most I've ever asked around here was relating to amplifiers, and their applicability to post-rock and post-metal.

3. Oh yes, I've gotten into lots of "trouble" for attacking an established member (heh-heh.. you said member) ... lots and lots of trouble... I found my cat dead in my garage, with a note pinned to its face saying "Johnnie Walker recommends not attacking established members."

4. I think we'd probably get along quite well if you'd just relax. I've no beef with you, and no beef with anyone on this forum.

5. The Revalver incident... I assume you mean when I was telling people "hold your horses.. this guy might not know the whole story.. don't take him on his word" ... and then I recieved a load of bullshit for my efforts.

6. What's the worst that can happen from calling you a cunt (note: I'm not calling you one, just enquiring) ??? Are you going to hunt and kill my first-born, or perhaps rape me inside a giant marmite jar? That would probably be enough to dissuade me.
Dude, shut the fuck up already. You are easily the most annoying person that has ever posted on this forum. Get a fucking clue!

Er... are you off your meds?

Y'know what.. I fail to understand why I'm receiving this abuse from you guys. I'm not taking the piss, seriously... I don't get it. It's not like I posted kiddie-porn or anything!


Honestly... explain why the hell I deserve to be abused, and I'll change my posting habits accordingly.
1. No, we're doing it in the open.
2. Read closer - and notice the utter lack of respect for people who know what they're talking about.
3. I meant the shitstorm that happened. We don't take kindly to your kind around here.
4. I am relaxed. You're annoying.
5. No, the way you phrased it the way you did, with no reason to doubt a very important forum member who does wind up with that kind of connection, was what got you the 'load of bullshit'. Either you're trying to lie about what happened or you're too dense to see why you're really not liked, and neither are helping you out.
6. If the only way to keep you from being an asshat is to threaten you with violence, I wish someone would smack some sense into you, but around here you'll just be ignored and you won't get anything out of us, and since you're also not contributing anything you'll just be a useless glob that'll hopefully go away sooner rather or later.

Honestly... explain why the hell I deserve to be abused, and I'll change my posting habits accordingly.

Talking out of your ass and being disrespectful just about sums it up. You also seem a tad dense. In fact, he summed it up quite well right - you're the most annoying person I've seen here.

hahaha chalk up another win for supreme comander of making people look stupid jbroll.:lol::lol::lol: