Drudkh - The Swan Road

it's actually cause I put a sticker on it that i apparently placed too close to the middle, so some cd players refuse to acknowledge that there's a cd in the drive at all! sonomabich.
JayKeeley said:
Plus I said "for those who heard it". It doesn't count when you only heard it 3 days ago for the first time and then decide to not like it just to be 'different'. :loco:

I didn't, even though I got it somewhere during spring 2004, it still hasn't clicked with me. It is good, but I cannot possibly understand where people are hearing something stunning.

EDIT: Hm, on second thought I think I did include it but that's not saying much since I didn't hear even ten whole full lengths from last year ;)
I think people are getting confused. I don't think anyone is saying that AA is in the top 10 albums of all time. It's simply one of the best albums from 2004. There, the end.
What you're forgetting is that I've never heard Forgotten Legends because Red Stream has lousy service. :p

I plan on picking that one up with The Swan Road when it's released on CD. Then I'll have an all-Drudkh tea party. And by tea party I mean Solo Beer-and-Masturbation Fest.
Erik is right. Forgotten Legends owns AA two ways to Sunday, but it really is minimalist.

1) The Swan Road / Forgotten Legends
2) Autumn Aurora
I agree that "The Swan Road" is totally Astrofaes, but it fucking rules. The magic will probably wear off and "Forgotten Legends" will reign again.
JayKeeley said:
Plus I said "for those who heard it". It doesn't count when you only heard it 3 days ago for the first time and then decide to not like it just to be 'different'. :loco:

It was #18 on my list, I've probably had it as long as most people around here. I'm just stating that Hate Forest is better. Autumn Aurora is good but one of the most overrated albums I can think of, and to put your last comment into perspective, I'm sure there are a few people here who don't like it all, but just wanna be 'cool'. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Just curious, but for those who heard it, who didn't put Drudkh in their top 10 of last year? Sounds like people are falling into "out of sight, out of mind" flippance.

It was number 15 on my list, and calling it a classic is at best premature. I'm not selling the album short, here's my synopsis:

...But the other three main tracks are amazing, a rare example in black metal of both repetition done right (especially on Wind’s closing section) and the dark forest atmosphere being nailed perfectly, right up there with The Mantle as the perfect album to immerse yourself in on bleak autumn evenings. The album is simultaneously organic, primitive, vibrant, and above all epic.

And Fate sounds almost as good as what's being described above.

Im finding it very hard to decide were to put Swan Road. At times I like it more than AA, but not more than FL. Other times it seems to much like Hate Forest, and I seem to like AA more. My opinion on AA hasnt changed, I still think its fantastic, not top 10 all time material though. So I guess: Forgotten Legends > Autumn Aurora/ The Swan Road
JayKeeley said:
But is anyone disagreeing with this? Because I've lost the plot of this thread at this point....

Ranking #4 on my chimney... This record is plain fantastic because the atmosphere just fits like my winter socks on Steven Seagal's prick, but you can't honestly say it's one of the truely ground-breaking albums of our time. It's just a must-have in the collection of anyone seriously into black metal, and the best thing that happened to slavonic music since the Leningrad Cowboys split up.
JayKeeley said:
But is anyone disagreeing with this? Because I've lost the plot of this thread at this point....

Hehe. Maybe, I only read like 10 random posts from this thread anyway. I got confused with the sudden jump to wholesale purchasing and them the jump back I guess.