Drugs and Metal

Psychonaut said:
Two words: Ozzy Osbourne.
I think its a fucking act what he does. Id do drugs to be rich as he is anyway... Would I appreciate it though?

Drugs and metal have no relation, try the Ozric Tentacles when your wasted!
Well, I have differing opinions on this.

Drugs have a place in metal, just like anything you care to mention has a place in Metal

Beer (Tankard, Onkel Tom )
Partying (Onkel Tom again, Andrew. W.K.)
Weed ( Sleep, Spiritual Beggars )
Macaroni (Annihilator :D )
Suicide ( Sentenced )

But, as drugs go, My ex's Dad had Marijuana Phycosis, which wasn't fun. It was very sad to see a person like that, everytime I saw him we had the same conversation "Hi, who are you...?" :zombie:

But I hate telling people what to do, so you have fun, there is a place in Metal for everything, I am discovering. But too much of anything is anyone's downfall.

Alcohol is bad, the biggest killer in fact, slightly ahead of cigarettes.

But the government makes money off these, the only reason Weed isn't legal in UK is because the Government can't tax it.
genocide roach said:
since when has dilluding your minded with chemicals gone hand in hand which was once intelligent music?

whatever, you guys wanna do that to yourselves, go right ahead.
I don't do drugs anymore, but are you saying that drug use in the metal scene is something new? Fuck, I'd say it's less prevalent now than it was say 15 - 20 years ago.

I like drinking and I smoke the occasional joint or two? I'm not exactly made out of money so drugs and alcohol aren't exactly there for me everytime, it's more of a social thing for me when a few friends and I get together or something.

You don't need drugs to enjoy metal, but marijuana actually makes music...abit different to listen to. :)
"you can't understand a user's mind
we see something in dope that norms just can't find" - Slit Her Throat (local underground band)

ever heard of sex, drugs, and rock n roll
some people need to realize there's a difference between drug use and drug abuse...

"if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor: go home tonight, take all your albums, all your tapes, all your CDs, and burn 'em. cuz all those musicians who've made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal fuckin' high on drugs." ~Bill Hicks
"you can't understand a user's mind
we see something in dope that norms just can't find" - Slit Her Throat (local underground band)
it may surprise to find that the majority of people smoke cannabis. in fact its less often i meet a non pot smoker than i mett meet a dopehead. people who think that smoking pot is a form rebelion probably think that listening to Korn and wearing Emily the Strange t shirts are also a form of rebellion.

on the subject of drug use and drug abuse. of course there are people who can (or so they claim) use alcohol, cannabis, cocaine or even smack wisely and not addicted. but for every casual user theres a George Best busily destroying his second liver, a Ozzy Osbourne strangling hsi wife and a trainspotting style junkie who stoop any low to get their next fix.

there is also the fact that drugs cause people to behave in ways they really shouldnt. alcohol is responsible for most casual violence which abounds the western world. and its not just alcohol, for example last week i was at a party where a large amount of pot was present. after consuming a large amount of the stuff, one guy dressed to set a guy with a nylon top on alight with a lighter .

Say what you want, in fact you will probably say your not addict that your in control, where thats what all my friends said as slowly they spent more and more of their income on alcohol , pot and whatever else they could get there hands on. ok here something you didnt know , when students in the UK moan about how the goverment is stealing all their money its bollocks (or least it is until they introduce top up fees). with the moeny i get from the loans i can still afford to go out and buy a few albums each month. they havent got any moeny as they drink , smoke and snort it all away (usually in big bursts, the UK have the biggest amount of binge drinkers and drug users in the EU).
I can look out my window at midnight and see a bunch of stupid townie students screaming and falling over after doing more than they can handle (i even saw one guy roll around in a pool of vomit for fucks sake.)

you can do as you want really ,just remember that when you get high your selling a tiny bit of your future away for 20 minutes of bliss, and if you keep on going after the elusive 20 minutes of bliss then you won't have any more future left to sell.