Drum room 'treatment': $18 and a MASSIVE difference.

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So after all my complaining about my drum sounds being distant, messy, etc. I went down to Vinnies and bought 3 blankets for $18. Hung two of them up on either side of the drum kit, the 3rd I used for a kick tunnel.

HUGE difference. The close-mics are SO much more upfront, the OHs are way clearer, have lost their harshness.. they sound a bit too dull atm, but that can be fixed with EQ or moving the mics.

The mic positions in these are NOT the same, but close enough. There was honestly NOTHING I could do to the snare close mic before to get it sounding this upfront.


You bought them online? If so can you give me more info.
Are they like moving blankets???
Vinnies is a 2nd hand store. They are blankets you put on your bed or whatever. I stapled them to my ceiling. It's NOTHING special, in fact its the complete opposite.

And, this isn't going to work for everyone. I was working in a garage, so LOTS of reflections. If you're working in a pretty dead room this will probably make it worse. But if your room is too live and you have the problems you can hear in my 'before' clips (I spoke to Erkan about this and he had the same issue), then it can clearly help.
Ah I see.. yea i work in a garage.. Its SMALL like 10ft by 10ft... But yea im in the process of Drywalling that lil room then im probably gona make some DIY bass traps but thnks dude..
Sounds good
Word. Its what I did in my bedroom (literally) studio. Blankets are on the wals and it relaly cut down of some reflections. However, the room still suffers down low. haha That will be fixed shortly, though. :) Bass traps.