Drum samples...

CJWall great work with King Conquer

i really dig the sound!
can you post original samples (that are on myspace) of the song? thanks

thanks dude!

I actually don't think it'd be cool if I posted the two full songs on here, I believe they're planning a 9-song album with these songs on it, sorry bro!

you can always listen at myspace.com/kingconquer though :)
you didnt understoood me) hahah

i was talking about drum samples) haha

or drum samples on their myspace are steven slate drums?
you didnt understoood me) hahah

i was talking about drum samples) haha

or drum samples on their myspace are steven slate drums?

Ohhh sorry dude, lol.

I believe they are, but I really don't remember, haha. If not, I have no clue what I used on the previous mix. I'm pretty sure I at least blended some of the Sneap snare in there though with the drummers actual snare.

Dude was a really solid, consistent drummer who knew how to hit his drums..

If I find out what samples I used for the old stuff I'll PM you.
Well I got my copy of the samples yesterday and here is my opinion.
First I was completely replacing the drums in a mix with the slate samples.
I went through the kicks and right off the bat I could not really get one to work in my mix not saying you couldn’t with tweaking eq and such, just seemed like there was allot of low end without enough attack for a "metal mix" but hey didn’t spend allot of time tweaking them like I said just threw them on the drums. Ok now the toms, the birch set sounds great plenty of attack and resonance, loven em. But the maple set almost have too much attack almost like a Roland DR-5 rock tom sample blended in with a tom hit. But I have got to say the snare drums sound fuckin sweet plenty of variety! So not trying to be a prick just thought I would throw out my opinion. So over all the are some kik ass samples:rock: thanks Steve
Hey man thanks for the comments! I would say that for metal, you got to go with KICK 5!!!! Thats the metal kick, and you'll also find that it DOES NOT have that much of thuddy low end so you can really put it in fast stuff. Here it is again:


For hard rock and some of the not so speedy metal, kick 1A is my favorite and you'll find that it has a lot of punch. Here it is:


all samples replace 100%

As for toms, most of the metal guys have told me they prefer the maple but everyone's ears are different and I love to use the birch as well, they have a little less low end resonance and a slightly softer transient with some nice spread.

Very cool to hear you're diggin the snares, what are some of your favorites? A lot of the metal guys have told me they like 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9.

Phil, couldn't wait to post that before and after!
three more people to knock in the first discount. we're getting a lot of great feedback from some big metal guys. Please if you just got this disc send me some audio demos, we need more metal stuff.
three more people to knock in the first discount. we're getting a lot of great feedback from some big metal guys. Please if you just got this disc send me some audio demos, we need more metal stuff.

"big metal guys" Who? :curious:

Give me one for free, and I'll send you a truckload of metal :heh:
we have a lot of "big" guys who are using the product, but metal guys seem to really dig it because of kick 5 and the agressive maple toms and variety of snares. We're working on getting actual endorsements and testimonials from these guys and you'll see them pop up on our page as this happens. Not all of them like their name thrown around but some of them do and we love to hear from them. But Grammy award winner Bob Kulick and Brett Chassen are pretty darn cool dudes and make some kick ass records with a shitload of credits, albeit not speed metal, but some hard rockin stuff. And as for free stuff, I'm trying to release a few one shots of some of the newer upgrades we're doing, just to wet people's whistle.
"big metal guys" Who? :curious:

You know, guys like these:


