Drum Sticks:

You know, this is perfect timing Metal. Seeing as how I have absolutely nowhere to put it anymore, and since your son is the closest I'll have to a nephew, he can have my Morgana Lefay stick from this year's Powerfest. He can also have my old Herman's Hermits stick :guh: if he's okay with it autographed "To Tammy..."
MetalRose said:
Thank you so much everyone! There is a reason I have such a warm place in my heart for all of you!

I just called my son over so I could read him the replies to this thread and he jumped up and down with joy.

Each and everyone of you will have a big hug waiting!


Watch those hugs if she's wearing bubble wrap - they could be even more exciting.

Hey Metal - I know it ain't METAL but I have one from Ricky Parent from Enuff Z'Nuff sitting here - lemme know if he has a soft/melodic/wussy side and I'll throw it in the suitcase.

MetalRose said:
Nah, bubble wrap is soooo last year. :)

Now I feel guilty that others are offering up their personal collection.


Please don't say the g-word anywhere near me after ther week I just had in Mexico, you never know who's listening :) Anyway - I kdon't exactly collect them - so mine is up for grabs if he wants it. Lately I seem to be working on collecting hangovers (and hugs) - I'll be on the lookout for both of them in Atlanta having successfully scored big on both fronts in Cancun :)

Lemme know and one partially broken drum stick goes in the bag - hmmm, bubble wrap is out? Damn, I am so fashion-ignorant. Now what am I gonna wear?!?

am_ash2 said:
Hey, I have 2 kids (18 and 21) AND I'm a grandma- beat that!

Wow! Now I figured there'd be otheres with teenage kids. I did not expect anyone to be a grandparent. TOO COOL, You have to be the coolest grandma ever!
MetalRose said:
Man, do I have to hug EVERYONE?


Well - in order to help make the most efficient use of your time and allow you to see one or two of the bands during the week - I would personally suggest starting the hugs with Single guys - then if there is any time left over you can hug the guys who already have someone :)
Singles to the left, attached to the right - single file, step lively now -
manowarfan1 said:
Well - in order to help make the most efficient use of your time and allow you to see one or two of the bands during the week - I would personally suggest starting the hugs with Single guys - then if there is any time left over you can hug the guys who already have someone :)
Singles to the left, attached to the right - single file, step lively now -

sooooooooo wrong - she starts with hugs for the girls :D
Drummers never say no to a naked chick asking for a "stick" in the autograph line. Just one more option.