Project: Andrew WK at PPUSA

Just out of curiosity, is the point of this "project" to raise enough money to cover his expenses or to pester him so much on Twitter that he comes here on his own dime?

As for the whole "project", in and of itself, it seems life a fun idea.
#ProjectWK is to make Andrew both aware of PP and our desire to see him there, as well as finding a way to make him a Fan Invited Guest. We're going to officially reach out to his management eventually, probably early next year to find out the feasibility and some other possibilites. The point is to get him to PPUSA, either by offering him a Fan Guest of Honor position or by him just saying "you know what fuck it my wife and I are totally coming for fun." Either way would be fucking awesome. Primary goal of him coming would just be for his attendance. If he wanted to do something beyond that... well.... I'd want to find out if it'd be possible and I'm open to putting it together.

As Glenn said, let's sell this motherfucker out first, then worry about all of that nonsense. :)

Whether or not there will be a donation drive is impossible to even begin to consider publicly right now. So yah, right now the whole goal is to find ways to mention to him ProgpowerUSA without spamming him for no reason. Basically, tweet him but don't do it like an asshole. :)
I don't really get why people would even be up in arms about this. If Andrew WK wants to show up, he will. If he doesn't want to, he won't. If we can make it seem like a good idea, what's the harm? Is the festival tainted because of his presence or something? You'd think if he were like, way not into this style of Metal he'd be like "thanks but nah."

If he does and you're not a fan? How about let those of us who are enjoy it, and take your negativity to another party?
(FWIW, I would contribute to a crowdfund for this just because Nailz made me laugh when we did the Andrew WK sings Gloryhammer bit last year)