Project: Andrew WK at PPUSA

Eventually, yes. This entire thing is to gain interest in the idea. Seems like there's more than plenty of it so we're gonna make some headway into it moving forward. Right now, it would be cool if you all followed him @AndrewWK .. If you respond to his tweets, which is fun and encouraged, use #ProjectWK .. Please don't spam him about the fest right now though, unless appropriate. He knows we're here. We dont want to be obnoxious.

More coming.
The interview clip was pretty funny, but that "Party Hard" song was awful. Is there an album of his you would recommend?

I don't think you're going to be a giant fan of his albums, as most of them are along the line of Party Hard. The album it is on, I Get Wet, is still the quintessential AWK album and is definitely where you should go to check him out.

He does have some oddball albums you might appreciate though, like 55 Cadillac (all improvised piano) and Gundam Rock (exactly what is sounds like).
I mean, I consider myself a decent Andrew WK fan, and I love the whole party thing he has going, I just don't get the point of this. It's so random. Is he even into this style of metal, or are just inviting him for the party thing and not the music?
I mean, I consider myself a decent Andrew WK fan, and I love the whole party thing he has going, I just don't get the point of this. It's so random. Is he even into this style of metal, or are just inviting him for the party thing and not the music?

See, this would be my major concern. Regardless of my opinion of him and, simply, not caring about "celebrities" being at the fest period, I wouldn't really want him here if he wasn't a fan of the music.
See, this would be my major concern. Regardless of my opinion of him and, simply, not caring about "celebrities" being at the fest period, I wouldn't really want him here if he wasn't a fan of the music.
If the festival sells out, does it really matter what his motives may be for coming? As long as tickets sell and bands play, I couldn't really care less who other people want to try to get to come or why they may be here.
See, this would be my major concern. Regardless of my opinion of him and, simply, not caring about "celebrities" being at the fest period, I wouldn't really want him here if he wasn't a fan of the music.

Please see the previous posts in this thread, as it actually covers this exact topic. Yes, He's HUGE into the scene. Obituaries Drummer played his first album and he owns a club in NYC that puts on a fair amount of Metal shows in general.
Please see the previous posts in this thread, as it actually covers this exact topic. Yes, He's HUGE into the scene. Obituaries Drummer played his first album and he owns a club in NYC that puts on a fair amount of Metal shows in general.

Yes, I get he's into metal. But is he into Prog and Power metal? These are smaller, less popular genres in America. We don't get bands like Obituary here.
Jesus Christ people, what is wrong with you feeling so offended about Andrew WK coming down to Atlanta to party at PPUSA?

I am sure there are plenty of wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, what-the-fuck-ever who come with someone who's a fan of "our scene" and walks away from the festival a fan (or at least a fan of the festival). Who care whether or not he likes it!? Who are you to judge?!

You guys are being so damn elitist, it's unbelievable! It's like you own the genre and want nobody else to be a fan of it. You're unbelievable!
See, this would be my major concern. Regardless of my opinion of him and, simply, not caring about "celebrities" being at the fest period, I wouldn't really want him here if he wasn't a fan of the music.

So if say I wanted to bring my wife to the festival, you wouldn't really want her there if she wasn't a fan of the music? Or anyone's wives, girlfriends, friends, mothers, etc?

Again... unbelievable.