Project: Andrew WK at PPUSA

Jesus Christ people, what is wrong with you feeling so offended about Andrew WK coming down to Atlanta to party at PPUSA?

I am sure there are plenty of wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, what-the-fuck-ever who come with someone who's a fan of "our scene" and walks away from the festival a fan (or at least a fan of the festival). Who care whether or not he likes it!? Who are you to judge?!

You guys are being so damn elitist, it's unbelievable! It's like you own the genre and want nobody else to be a fan of it. You're unbelievable!

Oh, I'm not offended or anything like that. I love his music and his extremely positive message makes him one of the 5 or so people I use to guide my daily life. If we get him here, that's great and I'll be first in line to shake his hand. Mostly my response to this thread was more of a "that's cool, but..why?" kind of thing. I meant no offense. In closing, to quote Andrew WK himself, everyone party hard.
Oh, I'm not offended or anything like that. I love his music and his extremely positive message makes him one of the 5 or so people I use to guide my daily life. If we get him here, that's great and I'll be first in line to shake his hand. Mostly my response to this thread was more of a "that's cool, but..why?" kind of thing. I meant no offense. In closing, to quote Andrew WK himself, everyone party hard.

Ah, okay. Fair enough then. I think the reason is just because Andrew WK embodies the party-person. He's a cool "celebrity" and just a really cool guy to hang out and party with. And to us, there's no bigger party than ProgPower USA. I honestly thing PPUSA is probably THE best party I've ever been a part of.

So when you combine the best party ever with the best people at partying (remember, Voyager is gonna be there too), it's gotta be fucking brilliant. :):lol::kickass:
Ah, okay. Fair enough then. I think the reason is just because Andrew WK embodies the party-person. He's a cool "celebrity" and just a really cool guy to hang out and party with. And to us, there's no bigger party than ProgPower USA. I honestly thing PPUSA is probably THE best party I've ever been a part of.

So when you combine the best party ever with the best people at partying (remember, Voyager is gonna be there too), it's gotta be fucking brilliant. :):lol::kickass:
It also makes more sense because I don't see PPUSA as a party yet. I'm still underage for drinking and haven't met much people yet. I skipped the Artmore courtyard and mostly kept to myself. Next year, however.....

Edit: Also, this thread inspired me to begin my radio show with "Party Hard".
no, this is not a joke. why would it be?
AWK is awesome and LOVES his fans and great music. why shouldn't we let him know about the fest and ask him to attend?
just cuz Eddie Trunk is a mega dickbag who won't attend even with rock star treatment doesn't mean that AWK wouldn't want to come and hang out.

seriously - we are working this project and if you don't like it, step off. you want to invite someone else? invite them.

(FWIW, i'm also working a project to get someone to DragonCon who would be a killer draw. it never hurts to ask)
Do you really want to go to or promote anything that puts money in the pocket of a convicted child molester?
Just sayin.
So if say I wanted to bring my wife to the festival, you wouldn't really want her there if she wasn't a fan of the music? Or anyone's wives, girlfriends, friends, mothers, etc?

Again... unbelievable.

Chill Milt. Bringing a loved one is an entirely different thing. I think for me, it's more that I've never really understood the whole "I want to party or hang out with someone" because they're a celebrity. If a bigger named person comes to the fest, I want them to want to come to the fest. Raising money for him to come just seems weird to me. I don't really have anything against the guy. Like Orion, I just don't get the point.
It also makes more sense because I don't see PPUSA as a party yet. I'm still underage for drinking and haven't met much people yet. I skipped the Artmore courtyard and mostly kept to myself. Next year, however.....

Edit: Also, this thread inspired me to begin my radio show with "Party Hard".

1. I love that you started your Radio Show with Party Hard. #ProjectWK

2. Please come out next year and have fun. Even if you're under age, we promise to be fun!

3. You won't be the first to shake his hand, sir, that would be me. :)
I just don't get the point.

Simon, I love you man, but it's not exactly like you're a social butterfly when it comes to the fest. Shit, I think the only time I've ever actually seen you at the festival, you've had your ass jacked squarely in a seat, either by yourself, or with one or two other people. Perhaps my perception is wrong, but color me completely unsurprised that you don't get the vibe I'm throwing here.

That said, if you don't get it, don't participate. A bunch of us really fucking love Andrew WK, and really want to experience this fest with him, and have him experience it with us.

This is fun for those of us who want to do it. Do you HATE FUN? DO YOU ALL HATE FUN?
1. I love that you started your Radio Show with Party Hard. #ProjectWK

2. Please come out next year and have fun. Even if you're under age, we promise to be fun!

3. You won't be the first to shake his hand, sir, that would be me. :)

1. Monday I'll start it with Party Hard. I might even make it the permanent intro song. Today I opened with Run to the Hills. #ProjectMaiden

2. Oh don't worry. I turn 21 in two months anyway, so I'll be joining the party with or without WK. Besides, it's mostly I didn't want to get caught and have it looks bad on the venue or Glenn if his event brings underage drinkers.

3. Rock-paper-scissors, then.
Simon, I love you man, but it's not exactly like you're a social butterfly when it comes to the fest. Shit, I think the only time I've ever actually seen you at the festival, you've had your ass jacked squarely in a seat, either by yourself, or with one or two other people. Perhaps my perception is wrong, but color me completely unsurprised that you don't get the vibe I'm throwing here.

That said, if you don't get it, don't participate. A bunch of us really fucking love Andrew WK, and really want to experience this fest with him, and have him experience it with us.

This is fun for those of us who want to do it. Do you HATE FUN? DO YOU ALL HATE FUN?

Well to be honest, the first few years or so I went, I didn't know a single soul. I believe the time I ran into you was just before Dark Water, if I'm not mistaken? You may have even been the first forum person to introduce yourself. In actuality, I'm rarely not on the floor. Usually it's people approaching me I'll admit since I'm almost always wrong if I think i see a forum person. Hell, this past fest I thought I saw Milton again but it wasn't Milton. Haha.

Nowadays it's much different. I like talking to everyone, I just tend not to approach as I'm unsure if it'st hem or not. I definitely tend to sit for most prog bands. I like talking to everyone and am usually on the floor.

Anyways, enough of my blabbering. I know it may seem like I'm hating on your parade, but I'm not. I've just never gotten into the meeting a celebrity thing. If others want him here, go for it.
Do you really want to go to or promote anything that puts money in the pocket of a convicted child molester?
Just sayin.

you do know we got rid of him finally, right? he is no longer affiliated with DragonCon.

it isn't though he said, at the outset of the convention, 'hi, im a fuckin cuntpickle who likes to molest children; let's do this'.

unfortunately for DragonCon, he had the law on his side and didn't have to take the buy-out. the other owners fought for YEARS to try and get rid of him.

get your facts straight, then come speak to me.
Jesus Christ people, what is wrong with you feeling so offended about Andrew WK coming down to Atlanta to party at PPUSA?

I am sure there are plenty of wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, what-the-fuck-ever who come with someone who's a fan of "our scene" and walks away from the festival a fan (or at least a fan of the festival). Who care whether or not he likes it!? Who are you to judge?!

You guys are being so damn elitist, it's unbelievable! It's like you own the genre and want nobody else to be a fan of it. You're unbelievable!

Milton hit in on the head..I'm not a fan of AWK music but I would party with him..Alice Cooper's new guitarist Nita Strauss is a huge power/prog metal fan and she was *this close* to coming to Atlanta…ant celeb that would come to hang out at PPUSA is only as positive no matter who it is :headbang:
Jesus Christ people, what is wrong with you feeling so offended about Andrew WK coming down to Atlanta to party at PPUSA?

I am sure there are plenty of wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, what-the-fuck-ever who come with someone who's a fan of "our scene" and walks away from the festival a fan (or at least a fan of the festival). Who care whether or not he likes it!? Who are you to judge?!

You guys are being so damn elitist, it's unbelievable! It's like you own the genre and want nobody else to be a fan of it. You're unbelievable!

Just wait till someone restarts a set. Then the shit will REALLY fly!
Just wait till someone restarts a set. Then the shit will REALLY fly!

Then I look forward to seeing Andrew WK restart his set while requesting that the audience save some seats for him with a towel. The forums will entertain me for months.