drumagog 5 is out!

Hi there,
I can confirm that gog5 is very hungry for my 4core cpu. Still pops&clicks until 512-1024 samples audiocard buffer. Btw when I enabled morph engine the pops are back again :(
The video shows that I won't have to try drumagog...the only demand I have is absolute phase consistency.
but why is they guy who made the video not zooming in properly when comparing the TRIGGER replaced track to the original track? he just says "as you can see every hit is spot on", he's saying that after just having "checked" two hits without even zooming in properly. (talking about the kicks here)....who made this video? :D

and which version of trigger is he using? looks different from mine, mine has got the "zero" line at the very bottom, not in the middle of the little window.
The video shows that I won't have to try drumagog...the only demand I have is absolute phase consistency.
but why is they guy who made the video not zooming in properly when comparing the TRIGGER replaced track to the original track? he just says "as you can see every hit is spot on", he's saying that after just having "checked" two hits without even zooming in properly. (talking about the kicks here)....who made this video? :D

and which version of trigger is he using? looks different from mine, mine has got the "zero" line at the very bottom, not in the middle of the little window.

+1 on the zoom in thing. If i were you, i'd still try out the demo to see what results you got.

about the video...
first off, the guy never says what setting he has drumagog on. This looks to me to be about the accuracy of "live" or "simple" mode.

Second, the results on this video are very clear(although questionable), yet this seems extremely biased.

Me being a skeptical POS, i have to wonder who did this video. I'll check this out myself and post something if i get different results(although i'm not questioning the accuracy of trigger).
At least to me, this doesn't look like a very balanced comparison. What are the triggering settings used? Live mode doesn't have any alignment, so if that was used the results could be off quite a bit. Of course, it's not impossible for Drumagog to mis-align samples. No drum replacer is perfect. I'm sure we could find a track that Trigger won't align properly, too ;)

Our goal when designing the align algorithm was to get as close to 100% alignment as possible. If anyone has any concrete example audio which doesn't align correctly, e-mail it to us. I'm constantly improving Drumagog, and these things really help. We've already made some important tweaks which will out in the next update.

I think it's time for a BRAND NEW drum replacement software :tickled:

I'm just kidding, I think that both the trigger and Drumagog 5 are great but each has its advantages and disadvantages...
I don't post here much anymore but someone flagged this over in GS. These are questionable ethics Slate. You come into a discussion of a rival product that you had affiliations with in the past only to try and sell your own product by belittling Rims new release. Please explain to me why we as customers should support you if this is an example of your morals?

Oh yeah forgot to add this......................... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Rule
I don't post here much anymore but someone flagged this over in GS. These are questionable ethics Slate. You come into a discussion of a rival product that you had affiliations with in the past only to try and sell your own product by belittling Rims new release. Please explain to me why we as customers should support you if this is an example of your morals?

Oh yeah forgot to add this......................... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Rule
Could you specify where he was belittling Drumagog?
Could you specify where he was belittling Drumagog?

Entering a thread discussing a rivals identical product implying your products features are more effective is belittling the competitor. Bottom line is its uncouth to try and sell his stuff in a discussion about Drumagog 5. Thats douchebag tactics.
Entering a thread discussing a rivals identical product implying your products features are more effective is belittling the competitor. Bottom line is its uncouth to try and sell his stuff in a discussion about Drumagog 5. Thats douchebag tactics.

edit: now I see the post you're talking about.
ha okay cool. i was going to point it out to you. Plus that video comparison...................reeks of something not right. According to someone in GS Its been posted on 2 forums at about the same time in Drumagog discussions.
First off, I applaud Rim for putting out a great product, and I think Drumagog 5 looks fantastic and has a lot of unique features. I took offense to someone earlier saying that drum replacers couldn't do ghost notes properly, which is something I worked on for years to perfect.

I've been knee deep in VCC beta and have nothing to do with the video in question, which doesn't look fair and balanced to me either.

Congrats again to Rim and Wavemachine Labs on the D5 release. I agree I should have just let this go by, and I apologize.
I'm the author of that video. I was waiting for Drumagog 5 and when I got some problems with triggering my tracks with Drumagog 5 I asked support for help and did not get reply. So I made this video... Rim has contacted me and asked for tracks I used in this video. So I deleting this video from youtube and posting project with WAVs and used Drumagog settings here so everyone can try to trigger my tracks with Drumagog 5.

You can download a project with all WAVs here: mediafire.com/?aje6cc8awqa839i
or here: http://www.filedropper.com/drumagogtrigger

Kick settings: http://img822.imageshack.us/f/kickv.jpg/

Snare settings: http://img196.imageshack.us/f/snarej.jpg/

Also pay attention that my settings was tested only in PT and Reaper, which I used to make video.
Just tried this out..

Maybe I'm retarded but I found this IMPOSSIBLE to use. Really. I can't seem to make 'just' the room sound, or 'just' the OH sound, it has to be it along with the close sound. Then I tried deleting all the hits except the hard ones, and for some reason that deleted all the OH/Room sounds on all samples bar one. So I delete all the other samples, so I can have just the room/OH samples, and then I end up with a single sample with no OH or Room samples at all. Wtf?!

Overall I just found the entire interface really really clunky. It seemed to trigger things pretty well, but it wasn't exactly complex material, and the only option I seemed to be able to change was the 'detail' slider (terminology may be off here), which is a little too simple for me.

Again, maybe I'm retarded but it seemed very clunky, complex to use initially and just overall.. awkward. With Trigger (I know this thread should be kept 'about Drumagog 5' but I don't see how discussing a competitor's product takes away from that, if this is the superior product. No Windows thread is free of 'Get a Mac', no 'Should I get ProTools' thread is free of 'Try Reaper'), I knew instantly how to use it. It has its quirks, and it's not without fault, but from first impressions, it's miles ahead of Drumagog 5 and for half the price.

Drumagog 5's room support isn't really designed to be used that way. To reduce clutter on the screen, I decided to make room samples only show up in the properties section of a direct sample (when you click on a direct sample, you see the rooms listed in the box that pops up below it). Because there's a one to one relationship between room samples and their direct samples, this seems to be the most logical way to do it. Room samples can't be played by themselves, though. I suppose I could put a solo and mute button next to the two room slots if that would be useful.

When you say "the only option I seemed to be able to change was the detail slider", what do you mean exactly? Drumagog 5 has many controls for adjusting triggering level, transient detail, pitch, volume, dynamics, etc. If you describe what you were trying to accomplish, maybe I can help.
