drumagog 5 is out!

Try triggering ghost notes with Slate Digital's TRIGGER. You can even go super low in sensitivity if you use the leakage suppression to ensure that you're not triggering leakage.

I don't post here much anymore but someone flagged this over in GS. These are questionable ethics Slate. You come into a discussion of a rival product that you had affiliations with in the past only to try and sell your own product by belittling Rims new release. Please explain to me why we as customers should support you if this is an example of your morals?

Its nothing personal, its just business mrfunk. Why get into an ethical debate about it?
Thanks, I appreciate it. FYI, I'm working on an update that will address some issues with CPU and memory usage, and a bug I found in the align algorithm that can cause mis-alignment in some extreme cases.

Also, if anyone is experiencing "clicking" in Pro Tools (a short click before the sample), please make sure your audio buffer size is larger than 512.


Drumagog 5's room support isn't really designed to be used that way. To reduce clutter on the screen, I decided to make room samples only show up in the properties section of a direct sample (when you click on a direct sample, you see the rooms listed in the box that pops up below it). Because there's a one to one relationship between room samples and their direct samples, this seems to be the most logical way to do it. Room samples can't be played by themselves, though. I suppose I could put a solo and mute button next to the two room slots if that would be useful.

When you say "the only option I seemed to be able to change was the detail slider", what do you mean exactly? Drumagog 5 has many controls for adjusting triggering level, transient detail, pitch, volume, dynamics, etc. If you describe what you were trying to accomplish, maybe I can help.


Curious as to why you chose to do this.. because most people would want to process a 'room' sound separately to a 'close-mic' sound. Or use a lot of close-mics to trigger a lot of room sounds, which are collectively sent to a bus to emulate a room mic.

I don't know what happened when I tried deleting samples, but the relationship between close-mic samples and room samples didn't seem to be very obvious - deleting close-mic samples deleted room samples from other close-mic samples.

As for the last bit, I meant in regards to the actual transient detection. The old Drumagog 4 had a range of things like a 'retrigger delay' to prevent accidental flamming, or being able to raise the threshold which determined which was considered a 'hit' or not. This version seems to have only the one slider. If it works, that's awesome (I didn't try it out on very complex material), but personally I'd prefer to have a little more control when something goes wrong. BUT, I've already bought Trigger and won't be buying this. I'm just offering my opinion for other would-be-buyers.
As for the last bit, I meant in regards to the actual transient detection. The old Drumagog 4 had a range of things like a 'retrigger delay' to prevent accidental flamming, or being able to raise the threshold which determined which was considered a 'hit' or not. This version seems to have only the one slider. If it works, that's awesome (I didn't try it out on very complex material), but personally I'd prefer to have a little more control when something goes wrong. BUT, I've already bought Trigger and won't be buying this. I'm just offering my opinion for other would-be-buyers.

a big +1 on this. I like having total control over the threshold and retrigger speed instead of relying on the software to get it right. At least give an option between the two methods for different work flows.

Curious as to why you chose to do this.. because most people would want to process a 'room' sound separately to a 'close-mic' sound. Or use a lot of close-mics to trigger a lot of room sounds, which are collectively sent to a bus to emulate a room mic.

a huge +1 on this. I never ever process those two samples together. I process the close mic samples completely different than a room sample. Room samples are generally crushed to hell and back and put way farther back in the mix. Maybe not always crushed that much, but a lot of the time that is the case(depending on the sample).

As someone that hasn't purchased either trigger or drumagog 5, i would really question buying drumagog if i couldnt separate the room and close mic samples...

with that being said, i downloaded the Drumagog 5 demo and i'll be trying it out this week on my next band.
Guys, the triggering controls you're talking about are all there ;)

Triggering threshold: it's a horizontal line superimposed on top of the moving waveform, called "sensitivity". You move it up and down over the waveform to adjust "visually" where you'd like Drumagog to trigger

Retriggering: it's called "resolution (like in Drumagog 4), and it's also superimposed on top of the waveform.

Transient Detail: the slider below the visual triggering display

As far as the room sounds, keep in mind that Drumagog is only a stereo plugin (like all drum replacers), so it's impossible to buss out room samples anyway.

With that in mind, can you give some suggestions on what you'd like to see in Drumagog's room support? I take requests seriously, so please let me know. I think Drumagog's room support is powerful, because it allows a 1:1 relationship between direct and room samples (something no other drum replacer offers), but I can easily expand on the feature set. For example, I can add the ability to solo/mute individual room samples. Is this something you'd like to see?
Guys, the triggering controls you're talking about are all there ;)

Triggering threshold: it's a horizontal line superimposed on top of the moving waveform, called "sensitivity". You move it up and down over the waveform to adjust "visually" where you'd like Drumagog to trigger

Retriggering: it's called "resolution (like in Drumagog 4), and it's also superimposed on top of the waveform.

Transient Detail: the slider below the visual triggering display

As far as the room sounds, keep in mind that Drumagog is only a stereo plugin (like all drum replacers), so it's impossible to buss out room samples anyway.

With that in mind, can you give some suggestions on what you'd like to see in Drumagog's room support? I take requests seriously, so please let me know. I think Drumagog's room support is powerful, because it allows a 1:1 relationship between direct and room samples (something no other drum replacer offers), but I can easily expand on the feature set. For example, I can add the ability to solo/mute individual room samples. Is this something you'd like to see?

i either read what the other guys were saying wrong, or they themselves were wrong in what they were saying, because everything is there that's in drumagog 4. to separate room samples from close mic samples, i just make a separate track, load (for example) the slate z5 sample and process/blend to taste. Also, like you said, the retrigger time is there, but you can only slide it(it would be nice if i could type a number in there, or press ctl while i slide it to move the numbers more slowly).

I just now got a chance to open the demo out myself and try it, and i have no big complaints so far. The only thing i noticed is that the "favorites" dont seem to save correctly. Maybe it's just a demo thing, but every time i reload a session, it removes all of the favorites i saved.

Also, there seems to be no clear cut way to rename gogs when saving. It only seems to overwrite the original gog.

Say i have slate samples, and want to save a verson of snare 11z1 with only the hard hits into my favorites, and call it "snare 11 hard". Is there a way to do this?

Also, whats the deal with dynamic tracking on dumagog 5? turning it down to 0% makes the soft samples sound ridiculously loud, and putting it at 100%, i cant get a good volume different between the 2nd hard samples and the hardest samples. I always had it "off" on drumagog 4, but there doesnt seem to be any way to turn it off on here.
brianhood, the dynamic tracking issue is a bug. This should be fixed in the next update.

You can get a better resolution on all the sliders by holding down the shift key while dragging.

FYI, I just posted an update to Drumagog 5 on the web site, v5.01. This fixes a number of issues, including:

- Less memory usage
- Less CPU usage, making it unnecessary to increase buffer sizes
- fixed some random crashing issues
- fixed issue with Auto align that could mis-align samples in certain extreme cases.

This update is available in your My Downloads section of the web site.

FYI, I just posted an update to Drumagog 5 on the web site, v5.01. This fixes a number of issues, including:

- Less memory usage
- Less CPU usage, making it unnecessary to increase buffer sizes
- fixed some random crashing issues
- fixed issue with Auto align that could mis-align samples in certain extreme cases.

This update is available in your My Downloads section of the web site.


Is it possible to get an updated demo? I still have a bit of time left on my version.
That's right. Nowadays, nudging is necessary only with Pro Tools LE because most other hosts support automatic delay compensation. So, if you're using Pro Tools LE, you'll need to nudge your track back by 80ms (3528 samples if you're at a 44.1 samplerate).


The demo is updated as well, so you should be able to check it out. I didn't get a chance to fix that dynamic tracking issue in this update, but it'll be in the next update.

Thanks for pointing out that bad link, we'll have the web-team take a look and get that fixed.

The Drumagog 5 library includes a number of new samples. First, there are the Smart Studios sounds, which we recorded at the (now closed) Smart Studios in Madison, WI. These gogs all include two sets of Room Samples, both overheads and a stereo room mic.

There are also brand new sounds from some of the most popular 3rd party libraries, including Supersonic Samples, Farview Recording, and MoReVoX. The MoReVoX sounds include some from their DriveDrums collection, which makes use of the Drumagog 5 room feature, but instead of having room samples, they used extra "textures", allowing you to change the amount of distortion, etc, in the particular gog file just by grabbing a fader. We included the most popular samples from the Drumagog 4 library as well.

All told, there are about 80 kicks, 120 snares, 40 toms, and 25 cymbals/hi-hats, in the following categories:

Natural Studio Kit
Purrrfect Brushes
Purrrfect Drums
Rock Drums
Smart Studio (default)