Drummer Adam Sagan Leaves Into Eternity

Wow, this sucks. So sorry to see you leave, Adam. :( You've been nothing but nice to me and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Hopefully I'll see you out on the road again.
Adam you are a great player and will be missed. I had the great opportunity to see you on the Edguy/HammerFall tour as well as twice on the Stratovarius tour. Into Eternity kicks ass and you really deliver as a drummer. Keep us posted on where you end up.
honestly the worst news ive heard in a while. adam is by far my faveorite drummer, and to know that he'll no longer be playing with into eternity is excessively upsetting. arrgh.... well good luck to the drummer of doom in all his endeavors, and good luck to the boys of i.e. at finding a new drummer.
Hey, I had never heard you guys until I saw you with Stratovarius and let me tell you that if you weren't doing that awesome drumming, I probably would've never got into IE. I remember after the Galaxy show when Flo from Cryptopsy complimented your style of drumming; good luck in the future! You have superb talent :rock:
Herman! :wave:
Kinda follow all your success stories in the media (you deserve it all!), but I didn't know you were living in LA now!

MetalRose: failed? I'll check the settings again of the forward when I get home from work (lots of things are blocked here at work). Or was it the hotmail account the mails forward to that bounced? If it's not too much trouble, can you PM or email me (marlies@truemetal.org or @intoeternity.net) the header of that mail if you still have it? I'm interested, because it could also be the mailserver, small chance, but in the past week or so Yahoo groups also claims my email addy at intoeternity.net bounced some of the messages :/
sorry to see you go Adam, you were a wicked dude! i was waiting till the next time you guys came through here so we could have a brew & talk metal again.

good luck with your future!
Hey there brother Adam. Thank goodness you liked my music enough to be the drummer! I'm gonna try my best to make sure these songs allow you to shine....which shouldn't be hard at all man! :)

For those who are fans of Adam's drumming, please have a visit at this site:


Adam agreed to be the drummer in my project I'm putting together after I quit OUTWORLD.

I have some sample clips of some ideas I've come up with, and will be adding more and getting the clips fined tuned sooner or later. But I wanted to at least show the direction I was heading in.

Also, I put up a clip of Adam on drums with me playing a solo over the top, which was from a Stevie Wonder song done METAL STYLE! It fuggin rox!

Cheers everyone,

Bobby W.
I feel bad for Tim Roth, This guy can never hold a lineup...I'm wondering when the news for there new guitarist leaving will be posted....Bring back Austin now!

Just to clarify: This thread is over two years old, and Steve Bolognese has been drumming in the band for over a year now. And Justin has been playing guitar in the band for over a year as well.

By the way... On March 27th LAST YEAR, the person above posted that he "could definitely see Steve leaving the band soon."

O ye of little faith! :rolleyes:

Personally, I'm quite stoked with the current lineup. Looking forward to hearing the rest of the new album!!!