Drummers: Prepare to be disheartened

Sep 26, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
I found a video of a 12 year old kid named Tony Royster Jr. who does an awesome drum solo. :worship:

You may have already seen it.

I don't have a direct link for you (and can't put it up on my own server - it's 20MB) but if you search a P2P program for "Tony Royster Jr.", you should find it.
Pseud0 said:
no he wasnt being sarcastic.

black people win

riiight. Deportations for slave labor and the fragmentation of any social cohesion through foreign domination (colonialism), combined with the current mess of a corrupt, AIDS ridden continent... oh man what a bunch of fucking WINNERS.
bangadrian said:
black people invented blues, jazz, and paved the way for rock. i guess i'll skip my daily lynching tomorrow

This is one of those arguments that frequently pops up that drives me nuts... why stop there? With this line of thinking, rock is dependent upon the previous "inventions" of jazz/blues. What about the ideas that led to these? What about the instruments themselves? Why stop at an arbritrary boundry?