Drummers: Prepare to be disheartened

After hearing how racist some of you are it makes me want to stop coming here. Opeth may have mostly white male fans, so I guess they could attract a few morons. If you all are just jokoing it's cool, but if your all serious well that makes me sick. And yeah I know the F-bomb was spelled incorrectly in the above post.
i actually agree with shark, even though he's usually pretty dumb :)
whenever i make black jokes, or any ethnical jokes, here or in real life, it's just in fun. i really cannot understand people that hate blacks, or hate this group, or that group, as a whole. it's fucking pathetic.
KKK? hahah they're a fucking joke. don't get me started on that. it's a terrible fucking world we live in, unfortunately.
bangadrian said:
we all know that all white supremacists are actually just jealous of black people's huge monster cocks

LOL - classic!

Oh look, I get light racist jokes at work (and I can give back as much as I cop), but I have very little tolerance for it in truth. What I wrote wasnt from a racial point of view, it was from what *I* feel is a "genetics" point of view, it just so happens the people I'm talking about have darker skin like me.

Besides, racism isnt the main problem - organised religion is, because it promotes racism in my opinion.
Trey Parker said:
yeah but they're stupid. so whites=superior

Yeah good one - Hitler thought the same thing and look where it got him and his followers.

I could have written a much longer response, but there's no point trying to explain things to a child born in 1985. Stick to your boy bands and find a better trailer to live in for you and your Mum, it's obvious you haven't learned a thing in school (if you even finished school that is).
The worst thing about this argument is trying to prove one race is better than the other, its fucking stupid, all races are as stupid as each other. The human race is equally fucking dumb and trying to prove otherwise is über gay.
Trey Parker said:
blah blah blah, i'm better than you because i'm white
Now that's a prime example of a nine year old mentality. You just make white people look bad. I'm white and I am sorry to be a member of the same race as you T.
it's true, black women do have rotund asses. some are too fucking big, but many of them, i would have no problem destroying.

Alternative 3 said:
The worst thing about this argument is trying to prove one race is better than the other, its fucking stupid, all races are as stupid as each other. The human race is equally fucking dumb and trying to prove otherwise is über gay.

i agree that all races have their flaws, and none is superior, generally. BUT...to say the human race is fucking dumb, i definetly disagree with. i dunno if you were just saying it in jest, like "whatever, people are dumb."

i still can't get over little things humans have created, let alone things such as computers/advanced bombs and weaponry/etc