Drummers: Prepare to be disheartened

This doesnt have to end in a derailing (more than it already is of course :)) argument. If any one is guilty of "racism" it is those arguing the superiority of one above. Even though I think it was in jest, im tired of it being throw around so lightly.
Ha. I didn't play for a week after I saw Tony Royster at the Modern Drummer festival (that's where that video is from). I just moped around because he's so fucking good at 12. He did some stuff with Dennis Chambers (if you play drums and don't know who he is, you suck at everything) that is amazing too. The best part of that video is still the Nike swoosh shaved into the back of his head.

Justin S. said:
This doesnt have to end in a derailing (more than it already is of course :)) argument. If any one is guilty of "racism" it is those arguing the superiority of one above. Even though I think it was in jest, im tired of it being throw around so lightly.

Yeah, the original comment was a joke. Need I reference the "Ghosts of Perdition clip" thread?
I showed this to my drummer quite a long while ago. He was indeed disheartened. To the point of calling the kid names :D "THAT FUCKIN BASTARD!!! That's not fair!"
On a side note, metal needs more black musicians.
Why aren't more black people into metal? :(
Taurui said:
On a side note, metal needs more black musicians.
Why aren't more black people into metal? :(

HAHA, racial quotas?! Hey, there arent enough asians and whites in R&B... whats going on1111?!!!. Where does this idea come from that there must be some imaginary ratio of various peoples. Absoultely bizarre.

Also, care to explain why something "needs" more blacks? This implies that there are distinct racial differences.
there are plenty of white people and asian people in hiphop and r&b, actually.

i don't give a shit what color someone is, as long as they can play. unless they're blue. i don't listen to blue people and their stupid choking sounds. how contrived.
I say you can jest about everything. Everything. Only not always. Participants should understand, and on the internet that doesn't really work. All kinds of people can come across it and misinterpret the jestful intention and be offended. Which is pretty plausible when concerning race issues, and people then have every right to feel offended.
Unless it is E X T R E M E L Y obvious.
I make jokes about race frequently, but not on the net. It's just too easy to be misinterpreted. And I am actually a very nice and funny guy, teehee!
Trey Parker said:
because there is, idiot

I am aware of that Trey ;) . The point is that people claim otherwise, but then make contradicting arguments.

I think weve all been over this before :Spin: .

Im a little jaded concerning instrumentation because at some point it boils down to a simple equation of time input= techincal ability. While there is a large degree of unteachable skill invloved in expression, take almost anybody, stick them in front of a drum kit from toddler years and they will have the technical aspect. Case in point are these two videos. I think its pretty sick actually how parents start specializing their children at such a young age... good little capitalists!
Justin S. said:
HAHA, racial quotas?! Hey, there arent enough asians and whites in R&B... whats going on1111?!!!. Where does this idea come from that there must be some imaginary ratio of various peoples. Absoultely bizarre.

Also, care to explain why something "needs" more blacks? This implies that there are distinct racial differences.

Well, let's put it this way:

I'm a 30yr old Indian, so yes I have darker skin. I don't look Indian though, many people think I am European, I'm pretty pale for a North Indian.

Many people of my culture here in Australia have picked up on mainstream music, namely R'n'B type stuff (which i cannot stand). I don't know why this is, but I have observed over the years that Middle Eastern cultures tend to head towards R'n'B styled music.

I've found that most people I have come across over the years who are into metal are "white", or of an Anglo-Saxon background. I don't know why this is.

Just my 2 cents.

And a note about black people being superior: I have to say that I agree with this, but I am referring to those of African backgrounds - while they may live in poverty, their bodies through generations have adjusted to harsher conditions of life, they are not spoilt by the things which we have in Western society, and thus they can push their bodies further than we can. Look no further than sport: it's black people who always win overall, they are the best atheletes hands down.

Musically, they have had more spirit throughout the ages as well, they have been of a more celebrative nature than that of Western culture which have been controlled or restricted by conservatism.

Just my thoughts here, no offence intended to anyone.
Justin S. said:
Im a little jaded concerning instrumentation because at some point it boils down to a simple equation of time input= techincal ability. While there is a large degree of unteachable skill invloved in expression, take almost anybody, stick them in front of a drum kit from toddler years and they will have the technical aspect. Case in point are these two videos...

True, but I did feel that this kid on drums knew more about what he was doing and cared more too, compared to the kid playing the guitar.

And if he was playing with Dennis Chambers at the Modern Drummer thing then, wow. That's very cool.
The Hubster said:
And a note about black people being superior: I have to say that I agree with this, but I am referring to those of African backgrounds - while they may live in poverty, their bodies through generations have adjusted to harsher conditions of life, they are not spoilt by the things which we have in Western society, and thus they can push their bodies further than we can. Look no further than sport: it's black people who always win overall, they are the best atheletes hands down.

Musically, they have had more spirit throughout the ages as well, they have been of a more celebrative nature than that of Western culture which have been controlled or restricted by conservatism.

Just my thoughts here, no offence intended to anyone.

You are entirely mistaken, not only in your generalizations about ability, but also anthropologically.

The whole idea of "African" (the idea of a pan-Africa is a purely Western idea... Algerians are certainly not the same, nor do they conceive of themselves as people from Botswana, Congo, the Ju Wasi, or any other ethnic group) lifestyles (as if they are uniform) being more harsh, and therefor over time and natural selection producing more robust people requires thousands of years to occur. You talk as if Western luxury is incredibly old! Most of what we identify is less than 50 years old, hardly long enough to make any difference even if there was such a contrast.

This is also a misconception. Africans are not running around with a spear flexing their 1337 skills. The amount still living a nomandic, hunter/gathering lifestlye is in the low thousands. The vast majority are located in large urban centers riddled with disease and pollution. Conditions that hardly produce strong, vital people.

As far as demographic domminance determining causality... Would you agree with the statement that if whites dominate science and technical fields in the US that this proves they are smarter? Of course not. You would list many possible factors leading to this outcome, including history, culture, economics, etc.
The same goes for sports.

In virtually all time periods, the groups that dominate physical activites are lower class because they have limited alternatives. If one comes from an educated, middle class background, what real incentive do they have to center their lifestyle and careers around something so uncertain as sports, when they can have a relatively secure future so much more easily? Also, cultural emphasis on these endevours and attitudes about personal worth and especially masculinity have a lot to do with it.

Statisically, i dont agree with the statement that blacks are more successful overall at sports. If you want to argue specifics like say, American basketball, you might have a case (again for a variety of reasons, not because of some mysterious innate ability).

Your statement about music baffles me. If you research the development of music in the Western world you will see that it is quite dynamic and not the puritanical conservativism that you are claiming. Some of the most daring and "modern" music came precisely at the time you would least expect it: Victorian Europe.

I simply dont understand your idealization of a mythological "African" culture.
Your disclaimer about your words being just thoughts doesnt make them any less incorrect.

Mmmm-mm! Them negros LOVES the watermelon!
Justin S. said:
riiight. Deportations for slave labor and the fragmentation of any social cohesion through foreign domination (colonialism), combined with the current mess of a corrupt, AIDS ridden continent... oh man what a bunch of fucking WINNERS.
You are a fukin retard. Go eat shit.