Drummers: Prepare to be disheartened

I was saying people are equally dumb, because trying to prove on race is more superior is dumb. I shouldnt generalise so much.

You are right humanity isnt dumb we ahve invented some cool shit.
Looks like this thread turned into exactly what I said it would: people calling each other racists. Although, I can't really see any justification for calling Justin S. a racist. He presented his argument in a sane, logical manner, in order to refute ill-supported claims that 'blacks are better than whites.' As soon as he made an intelligent argument that, 'No, they're not,' he was a 'racist'. What a double standard. Time to close this thread, or else get it back on the kid being a badass drummer.
my favorite thing ever, is when black people use the famous "OH..OH, it's cause i'm BLACK, right?" hahaha incredible that they use it all the time.

tonight i was at the boardwalk, and this guy in his 40's was talking to this older guy, and as we walked by the 40 yr old, he smashed his fist down on this garbage can top, and said 'god damnit! i HATE getting old!" to the guy with him :lol: it was pretty random and hilarious.
Alternative 3 said:
I was saying people are equally dumb, because trying to prove on race is more superior is dumb. I shouldnt generalise so much.

You are right humanity isnt dumb we ahve invented some cool shit.

No matter what you think, some races are going to be smarter than others.
Intelligence is not something a person is born with. It is developed through proper education. It just happens that the majority of minorities are subjected to inner city public schools whose budgets are the first to get cropped...there are not proper learning resources. They cant even afford to keep good teachers in the system.
Without proper guidance these children must break free on their own to search for knowledge...all the odds are against them.

To believe that racism is not an issue in the United States(let alone the entire world) is to be living in denial of a major problem of the human race. Very silly people to believe that culture,religion,skin color, etc can make one person better than another.

The human race in general lacks moral intelligence. Yes we are geniuses and have created millions of gadgets and things trying to create a more pleasurable living experience...but to what expense. We are wiping out all other facets of nature surrounding us...including other humans.

And sorry but I believe all the little jokes are just feeding the fire of racism...no matter how slight and how good-hearted one is. There are many other things in life to laugh about.
littlereddevil said:
Intelligence is not something a person is born with. It is developed through proper education. It just happens that the majority of minorities are subjected to inner city public schools whose budgets are the first to get cropped...there are not proper learning resources. They cant even afford to keep good teachers in the system.
Without proper guidance these children must break free on their own to search for knowledge...all the odds are against them.

To believe that racism is not an issue in the United States(let alone the entire world) is to be living in denial of a major problem of the human race. Very silly people to believe that culture,religion,skin color, etc can make one person better than another.

The human race in general lacks moral intelligence. Yes we are geniuses and have created millions of gadgets and things trying to create a more pleasurable living experience...but to what expense. We are wiping out all other facets of nature surrounding us...including other humans.

And sorry but I believe all the little jokes are just feeding the fire of racism...no matter how slight and how good-hearted one is. There are many other things in life to laugh about.

Inspite of my somewhat "overpassionate" comments here, I have to agree with you wholeheartedly.

Not only that, but your comment is probably the most intelligent thing I have read in this forum for a long time.
littlereddevil said:
Intelligence is not something a person is born with. It is developed through proper education. It just happens that the majority of minorities are subjected to inner city public schools whose budgets are the first to get cropped...there are not proper learning resources. They cant even afford to keep good teachers in the system.
Without proper guidance these children must break free on their own to search for knowledge...all the odds are against them.
Completely incorrect. Although i will admit that the rich get "better" educations due to the ability to go to private schools and get the best teachers, the idea that "inner city" kids don't have a chance is a bit over the top.

The bottom line is people are *fucking lazy*. I didn't use to believe this. I thought inner city black people were kept down by the "man". Then, I got a job and started paying taxes and realized my taxes were going to pay for people to live in free housing, have several children out of wedlock, commit crimes, get free health care, and basically perpetuate a life of non-productivity. For every "undereducated" inner city black person, I will show you two successful, hard-working, tax-paying immigrants from Asia.

Everything else you said is spot-on.
<crimson> said:
tonight i was at the boardwalk, and this guy in his 40's was talking to this older guy, and as we walked by the 40 yr old, he smashed his fist down on this garbage can top, and said 'god damnit! i HATE getting old!" to the guy with him :lol: it was pretty random and hilarious.
dorian gray said:
Completely incorrect. Although i will admit that the rich get "better" educations due to the ability to go to private schools and get the best teachers, the idea that "inner city" kids don't have a chance is a bit over the top.

The bottom line is people are *fucking lazy*. I didn't use to believe this. I thought inner city black people were kept down by the "man". Then, I got a job and started paying taxes and realized my taxes were going to pay for people to live in free housing, have several children out of wedlock, commit crimes, get free health care, and basically perpetuate a life of non-productivity. For every "undereducated" inner city black person, I will show you two successful, hard-working, tax-paying immigrants from Asia.

Everything else you said is spot-on.

Very true. I live on Chicago's south side and any bleeding heart tendancies will be fucking DESTROYED by coming here. Awesome.
The Hubster said:
This thread should be deleted.

Profanity said:
Are you saying this is a forum for dumbasses?

No forum is a forum for "dumbasses". It's dumbasses that post in them.

I just think that this thread has gone from discussion to totally outragous slandering. It's one of the main reasons I don't post here too much any more.

Plus - a topic like this isn't best discussed over the net, lots of translation in meaning is lost without tone of voice behind it, and you need that in such sensitive topics.
dorian gray said:
Completely incorrect. Although i will admit that the rich get "better" educations due to the ability to go to private schools and get the best teachers, the idea that "inner city" kids don't have a chance is a bit over the top.

The bottom line is people are *fucking lazy*. I didn't use to believe this. I thought inner city black people were kept down by the "man". Then, I got a job and started paying taxes and realized my taxes were going to pay for people to live in free housing, have several children out of wedlock, commit crimes, get free health care, and basically perpetuate a life of non-productivity. For every "undereducated" inner city black person, I will show you two successful, hard-working, tax-paying immigrants from Asia.

Everything else you said is spot-on.

I will too, have to disagree on the whole "they have to break free to find their own education"

I went to an inner city school. Started in kindergarten and continued until I graduated high school. The school was 90% black and hispanic. I was in all honors classes, and did a decent job in high school my last two years. Of course I had to go and screw around my first two years though heh. It seems that I came out alright. I didn't do much on my own to further my education, as far as finding outside sources and what not.

I'm in college at the moment(University of IL @ Chicago), and working. Though UIC isn't the greatest school, I'd also say that my "inner city schooling" hasn't completely failed me. A classmate of mine had a 4.8 GPA and is going to the University of Chicago, an excellent school, which further proves you can succeed with such a background.