
My favs:

Trym (Enslaved...and err...Emperor but never really got into them)
Dirge Rep (Enslaved)
Cato Benevold (Enslaved Fuck yeah!)
Harald Hegelson (Enslaved..again..I loved Eld)
Oliver Fokin (Ensiferum)
Hellhammer (Mayhem)
Derek Roddy (Nile)
Beast Dominator (Finntroll)
Marko Tarvonen (Moonsorrow)
Jocke (Thyrfing)
Tommy Brandt (Asmegin)
Tomas Haake (Meshuggah..fuck his playing is impossible)
*Asgeir* Not just because he's in Borknagar and Vintersorg, but because hes fuckin good too.

Mitch Mitchell-Jimi Hendrix Experience
Fredrick Anderson-Amon Amarth
Joey Jordinson-Slipknot
John Bonham-Led Zeppelin
Vinnie Paul-Pantera

also if anyone is a fan of Primus, the most recent drummer for them was the shit.
Neil Peart is tops in my book....honorable mention to :
- Sean Reinert (Cynic/Death/Aghora/Gordian Knot)
- Bill Bruford ( Yes/King Crimson)
- Martin Lopez (Amon Amarth/Opeth)
- Proscriptor (Absu)
- Pete Sandoval (Morbid Angel)
- ....and dear ol Asegir

...With all that being said, I would have to say my favorite drumwork of all time on a particular album is that of Sean Flynn on the Atheist album "Unquestionable Presence," an album which, in my opinion, will never be surpassed as far as technical metal is concerned.
Right now, I'd have to say I consider Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy) the best drummer I've ever seen, or heard. I've seen many greats live, including Trym, Pete Sandoval, Nick Barker, Tony Laureno, and more, but when I saw Cryptopsy live a few days back, Flo completely blew me away, and absolutely demolished all the other drummers I've ever seen. I expected a lot, but was totally dumbfounded by his skill. He plays every bit as fast, and faster, as I've heard any of the other metal greats, but with even more precision, and tons more intricacy and complexity then the others. He's basic combines the insane precision, finesse and technique of a jazz/jazz-fusion drummer, with the speed and power of a death metal drummer. Just unbelievable. His solo was the most insane feat of drumming skill I've ever witnessed, including things like Peart's Solo on the Rush In Rio DVD. ( Which is great, by the way, but I think Flo has him totally outclassed, more speed, more precision, more intricacy, everything. And Neal's feet suck lol )

Flo's pedal technique alone puts almost everyone to shame. I've never heard anyone so effortless stutter their double kick beats, going from a steady blurring double kick, to a stuttered, off time double stroke or triplet beat, in a totally different time siggy, then into another double kick blur at a different temp, then a seperate kick beat with each foot, while doing weird, intricate jazz fills with his hands at different time signatures. Plenty of DM drummers can kick really fast, I've yet to hear anyone else who can do it with as much technique as Flo. One of his most simple things in his solo was one of his most impressive from a difficulty standpoint, he started a snare roll and double kick roll at the same time, then began to slow his snare roll while speeding his double kick, till the kick was as fast as I've ever heard, and the snare was less then a beat a second, every stroke reduced on the snare was one added to the pedals, in absolute perfect reverse time to each other, then he sped the snare and slowed the kick till it was reversed, back and forth. Insane.

Griffo - Glad to see some others here who mention some "non" metal drummers. I love a lot of old prog and jazz bands. King Crimson is my absolute favorite band of all time, so I'm a huge Bruford fan. Have you heard his solo stuff, band just called "Bruford"? With Alan Holdsworth among others.

Peart is great too, one of the best of his time, but I don't think he's really progressed that far from his "prog" hey-dey, just my opinion. I think Portnoy took his style and ran with it, and personally I"d say Portnoy is a better drummer now. I think he could play any rush song with a little practice, but Peart would have a lot harder time with some Dream Theater/LTE songs, especially some with a lot of double kick.

However, I think Flo is far better then both Portnoy and Peart. After seeing him Live, I'm quite sure Flo could play the whole Rush In Rio solo with a little practice, but I think Peart would struggle to play even a few Cryptopsy songs. Perhaps that's not a good way to judge things, but on a sheerly technical standpoint, I believe Flo is the better drummer.

Just my opinion.

Granted, they are very different genres, so perhaps it's not fair to compare them.

I have a drumming friend who's been playing since the very early 80's, and grew up listening too and playing Rush. He had a band called Solus that used to cover Rush and King Crimson frequently, they played all of 2112 live for example, so he's quite familiar with Peart, and obviously a big fan of his. But when I play him some of the better metal drummers, like Flo, they just blow his mind. And like I said, he's been playing for 20 years, so he really understands what he's listening too.

Ever heard Dennis Chambers? Amazing fusion drummer.
How about Billy Cobham? ANother amazing fusion drummer, one of my favs, played with the Mahavishnu Orchestra, among others.

Martin Lopez is great, I love Opeth, one of my favorite bands.

Asegir, always been a big fan of his stuff since I first heard Borknagar, love his stuff with more recent Vintersorg and others too.

Glad to see someone mentioned Bruford too!

Bill Bruford is awesome, of course, as are all the King Crimson drummers,like their first drummer, Micheal Giles.
Pat Mastelloto is a fav of mine too, very unique style. He's their current drummer.

Tony Laureno with Nile was always a fav, seen him twice, he's amazing.

John Longstreth is great.

Tyrm is great.

Nick Di'virglio

Umm...a bunch more I'm sure I'll think of soon, lol.
Starless Dragon - I left out alot of amazing jazz drummers because I wanted to keep my post as "metal-related" as possible... but I could have easily put Cobham there too...as well as Chad Wackerman (who's worked with Vai and Zappa among xountless others) and Dave Weckl, who makes my jaw hit the floor everytime I've seen him perform. Still, I uge you, and everybody else, to obtain a copy of the Atheist album I mentioned in my last post. It's been out of print for some time but can still be found...for a good bit of money. It's too bad the Atheist guys never got their due praise back in the early 90s Florida metal scene. Obviously way ahead of their time and grossly misunderstood.
Yeah, that makes sense. I've heard of all those guys, Weckl is amazing for sure, and anyone who plays with Zappa, on any instrument, knows his stuff. As for that Athiest album, I'd definitely like a copy of it, as I've heard many great things about it even before you brought it up. Maybe I'll have to check Ebay or something, huh?