I bought their first album a super long time ago and that was the only one I ever enjoyed. I saw them live and I was like.....then
None So Vile, the two DiSalvo albums, and that one before The Unspoken King I thought were really good.
I bought their first album a super long time ago and that was the only one I ever enjoyed. I saw them live and I was like.....then
You`re only as good as your drummer!
He's an average drummer at best, and the weakest link in Primordial.
The best metal drumming performance I've heard is Dave Thomas (ex-Estradasphere) on Sculptured's Embodiment. Almost everything else about the album fades into the background when listening to this incredibly technical, subtle and original performance.
My drummer and I were discussing the play style of drums in Deathspell Omega, we reached the conclusion that it sounded alot like Trym from Emperor but of course it's kinda hard to confirm it.
George Kollias is a sick drummer, but those songs are really just kinda meh.