Drumming album

Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
I'm not looking for a great album or anything(although, it would be nice :) ) but a Drummer's performance You think stands out.

Something complex. I love blasting and double bass speed, but quick and creative hands is really what I am looking for.
Theres the obvious Nile, Cryptopsy, Hate Eternal, and Behemoth.

Looking for Technical? Meshuggah and PsyOpus.

PsyOpus rejected Derek Roddy because he wasn't tech enough.

1349, Frost's blasts are fucking insane.

Death, Cynic, The Faceless.

Morpheus Descends- Chronicles of the Shadowed Ones

Most dynamic drumming performance I've heard on an old-school death metal album. Too bad nothing else is all that exciting on the album however.
Great drummer.

Anyway, you probably know about Mike Portnoy and all that he entails

Well I never really liked Dream Theater, ALTHOUGH I have much respect for them.

Just a bit too cheesy.

I watched a concert on MHD a couple of day ago of DT and they are amazing musicians. The drummer was tight.
Moving Pictures
A Farewell To Kings

most pre-Moving Pictures

....get Exit Stage Left...one of, if not the, greatest live albums EVER. Amazing drum solo on that album. There's a great solo on there Rush In Rio live CD too. Neil Peart is a drummer's God.
Something complex. I love blasting and double bass speed, but quick and creative hands is really what I am looking for.

Watchtower´s album "Control And Resistance" comes to my mind.

Not metal, but an impressive live solo:


Neither metal nor complex, but very creative is (IMO) the Norwegian drummer/percussionist Terje Isungset. (At least I don´t know any other drummer/percussionist who has played on a drum/percussion-set made of ice.)

np: Parissa & Ensemble Dastan - "Moghaddameh, saz-o avaz; Daramad"
Don't know how technical it is, but yuriy's work on
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
is beyond awesome