drums post-processing

I always use EQ and compression on each track (sometimes I don't use on some that I feel don't need like the kick, since they will be send to the drum group already with comp there), except for hihat, OH and room, I don't compress that at all, and if the quality is good, I just basically do a HPF on OHs to about ~660hz and push just a tiny bit of 10khz for air/clarity. Drum Group with compression and send everything there. Reverb Aux and send snare and toms there, I think that's basically it. Oh, and sometimes I have to gate the toms, snare and kick, only on cases of awful bleeding.
I always use EQ and compression on each track (sometimes I don't use on some that I feel don't need like the kick, since they will be send to the drum group already with comp there), except for hihat, OH and room, I don't compress that at all, and if the quality is good, I just basically do a HPF on OHs to about ~660hz and push just a tiny bit of 10khz for air/clarity. Drum Group with compression and send everything there. Reverb Aux and send snare and toms there, I think that's basically it. Oh, and sometimes I have to gate the toms, snare and kick, only on cases of awful bleeding.

thanks Sptz.;)
what do you think about this?

and this:
Highpass everything at 1,200kHz, srsly.

Or...wait...were we talking about black metal?



Your not going to get specific settings because every song is different and settings that work on one song could possibly not work on another song.

But for snare drums I usually add EQ, some reverb and maybe a touch of Compression. For kick I pretty much always add compression, and EQ. Toms I'll usually add some EQ and maybe some compression. For OH's I'll usually add some EQ and reverb.
The only thing I'm not much fun of is the lack of snare dynamics, but hey... this is death metal / grind right? So it shouldn't really matter much, did you record this? It sounds ez drummer to me, the toms specially
The only thing I'm not much fun of is the lack of snare dynamics, but hey... this is death metal / grind right? So it shouldn't really matter much, did you record this? It sounds ez drummer to me, the toms specially

first drums file is mine. i made it with battery 3 and samples; toms are samples of ezdrummer cd but tweak with battery 3 too.all samples.

second file is not mine.i like that record, those drums, those guitars...:(

and yes, i make death/grind metal...

how could i improve my drums? how could i improve snare drum? some better snare samples?
I'll compress snare and kick and apply EQ to everything. Sometimes I'll compress the tom bus or use a transient enhancer. I like to use parallel compression on the drum bus as well. Then I'll send some snare to a plate reverb IR and use some kind of room reverb on the drumbus if I think it needs it.

Anything related to triggering is a whole other story. If I'm gonna use it heavily then I prefer to use drumagog to create a midi track of all the drum hits for easy editing and removal of false triggers. Sometimes I get away with using Drumagog in realtime and blending samples in. Sometimes I like to use samples of the kit recorded and bounce them down to parallel tracks for more extreme EQ treatment. Everything depends on circumstances. I'd hate it if everything was the same.