DT coming to Australia

assholes i have to wait the lonest, 4 days :( haha. FUCK! Any news on a Melbourne Instore signing??!! Either way it should be easy to meet them, i heard an interview with Mike on Full Metal Racket and the last thing he said was something like "we're really looking forward to playing in Australia and we'll see you at the bar after the gig"


UndoControl said:
This thread is like some weird aussie DT-loving version of the Opeth, In Flames and Children Of Bodom UM forums..

haha yeh, its because we dont get a whole lot of decent international acts too often

although the next few months we get like friggin heaps that its rediculous
Silent paragon said:
Hay Pryo do you know if cameras are going to be allowed?

I'd like to know too... I figure that they can't really stop you taking one in.. Its times like this when i wish i had a god damn camera phone....
Does anyone know the support band in Sydney?
But anyway 40hrs and i begin drinking in preparation for the show...Yee hAw Fuck YEEEEEAAAHHH!!! :rock:
Have they already done Perth? I though the first gig was tonight, and I'm too fucken lazy to check

1 day cunt waffles :kickass:
in_absentia said:
ahah i likey.. cunt waffles. 2 days for me.... what a countdown!


man we're such wankers, no other country does this crap, it happened on the Opeth forum as well

and when other countries do it, I'm all like, you knobs haha

Aussies = :kickass:
Crapples said:
This is a VERY special occassion for us aussies. Thus, it is our duty to act like cunt waffles. And drink beer.

And you know that my good man :rock: