DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

Yes, reading the posts on the board you can see that you're not alone, there's a lot of people with these problems..me included. This is a way to share emotions and to hear different opinions, personally i read much posts where people said to feel sad for some things that happened and i saw that their feelings are similar to mine.

And about your story, i'm sad for you, and i know very well how hard is to see _who_ really is the boy/girl you're in love with when you're really mad about him/her...my past experience made me know this...

Anyway, it'll pass with the time and i agree with mousewings: if you can, cut off contacts with her, keep seeing/hearing her is only more painful.
Don't be sad, things will go better :)
I read some post about sexual acitivities and their consequences in relations... I came to a conclusion after reading some of the posts that some of you think that sex isn't really a part of healthy LOVE relationship...

Having mesurable standards that must be respected is surely wrong, but I think that the basic sharing of intricate intimity is something that is real romantic.

I guess that the ones who made such comments about sexual life must have passed through hard experiences about it... because having sex is not that cool, but making love is the pinnacle of a relationship. The ultimate sharing.

ouch i think this post is not well written... i'm just back from a place where I have not heard any single word of english and I might have lost a bit of my knowledge about the use of this language... well not knowledge but... arg the hability to use it. Fuck I'm outta here, need to practice english.
Yes Samarkol you are one of the only ones who understands. Sex is nothing, sex is purely physical, there is alot of emotion and it feels great, but it lacks something. Now making love on the other hand is one of the best things you can experiance. It is so much differant when your in love with the person. Its deeper that the physical aspect of the actual act of having sex. It feels better and is so much more fulfilling.

Nick(love maker :p )
Honestly I don't think I'm inventing anything special telling that sex is a natural part of (healthy) life, no way we're different and everyone can make his choices.
On the other side I'm not original again telling you I agree at 100% with the "making love" thing, eventhough I wouldn't feel like generalizing- some "pure sex" thingies can be as amazing (sometimes even more) as some _average_ and mostly "ritual" *official* sex.
It's up to you- it can be much more than a one night stand- even when it's just a single date (I think). Oh well, somtimes it can be quite hard, if you're sensitive people and easily grow fond, but I wouldn't want to claim "sex is evil" and "making love is heaven".
It's always depending on time, place, and the one you're (in any case) with.

Guys & girls, see you later. I don't think I'm going to be online often for the next times.

A friend died, two days ago, in an accident- I think I need to cool down, and switch myself off for a while.

Hopefully read you soon.

Im sorry to hear about your loss Atlantis, my best wishes to your friends family and yourself.

I dont think having sex outside of love is evil in anyway. Ive done that plenty of times, but sex while your in love is much more gratifying.

Nick(sex is great, but making love is better)
To be honest, I have not read every post and the majority I have pretty much just skimmed over, so I really don't know what you're talking about Kovenant, but I'm sure you mean well. Nick, if you are offended by what I said in regards to the situation in America, I fear you gravely misunderstood me. I did not mean this as a general attack on all Americans (lest I be attacking myself as well) but rather as a way to show the gentleman I referred to that he is not alone in this situation. That put aside, I suppose I can talk about my failed relationships (if you can call them relationships) since this seems to be a friendly environment.

My Ordeal began in February of 2001. I believe it was the fourth or fifth. Anyway I was talking to this one girl I had known from the internet for a while. We always thought it sort of hopeless for us to consider being more than friends since we lived far. We never talked about it but this seemed to be the way it was. Anyway, one day she told me she was looking through the white pages (residential) phonebook. I asked her to look up a name for me. She asked me why and I told her that I wanted to call the guy's (the one who was listed in the phone book) daughter. She asked me how tall I was. I thought this as a rather odd form of answering me but anyway I told her that I'm 6 feet tall, or possibly 5'11, as I don't remember how tall I was at the time. She then asked me out. It turned out she was 5'10 and had a hard time finding guys who were taller than her. So anyway I called her the next day and we never mentioned going out for about a month or so. I really started liking her and I told her a couple of times the way I felt but I don't think she took me seriously so I figured a friend is better than nothing so we stayed like that.
On a side note, she was older than me (it's usually worse that way, isn't it golgotha) by about a year and made me more interested. Anyway last July, I went to Mexico for vacation for a month. I got really bored over there since I couldn't take my guitar with me. So one day I bought a phone card and called up some of my friends from over here. She was, of course, the first one I called. I called her a couple times and in total, blew $50 on phone cards. I was astonished that I had money to eat since I only took $50 with me. The last time I called her she told me she was moving to Chicago. At first I thought she was joking around but I realized she was serious. So I went to my room, quite shocked. The thing about me though, is that shock has control over me for a long time and it needs to wear off before I feel anything. Once I started feeling, it was not an enviable experience. I cried the most I have ever cried in my life that day, 12 hours straight. Although I might attribute this to the excessive amounts of alcohol I drank. I kept thinking about this one time when I was sick (I believe it was the week of February 12-16) and she called me everyday to see how I was doing, which I was touched by considering my own mother didn't talk to me, so she was the only one who did. Anyway in my drunken insanity, I thought of killing myself. I got on the edge of the roof and started leaning forward. Fortunately for me, I was so drunk that I fell backwards onto the roof, saving my life. That experience made me stop drinking so much so it was good in a way.

Anyway, I didn't get over that for until February or March of this year. I met another girl that reminded me of her. Similar interests, similar situation, etc. This happened last December. I started liking her but I was afraid the same thing would happen. I was feeling really bad one day in the latter part of February so I took to drinking and I ended up calling out to gods whose names I did not know, since I was already pagan but still quite ignorant. I asked for her (the first one) to just be back. So the next day I had to prove to myself that it's over and so I called her number. Much to my amazement, she answered the phone. She gave me a logical explanation, claiming that she had just moved back. She didn't go to Chicago after all, but moved to a different part of town. I told her what school I was going to and it turned out she lived very close to it. So we agreed to meet the next day. She said she would meet me outside of my school (I stay there an hour and a half after school since I can't be picked up any earlier) but somehow I knew I would be stood up. Perhaps it was because it had happened twice before. I thought people could change in so much time so I gave her another chance.

Anyway I did get stood up and I decided it should just end between us completely since she was most definitely not the same person I once knew. So I tried talking to the new girl I had met, as she seemed very nice. Invariably, I went crawling back to the first one when the new one I had met was not home. To my surprise, she asked me out that time, so I decided to meet her at some gig that my school hosted. The music sucked (a bunch of stupid punkers who desperately needed talent) but it would be little price to pay. Since I was a member of the group that hosted it (and because I worked my ass off setting up!) I got in for free. So I did stay there by the door, looking disgraceful, waiting for her to show up. There was no alcohol at the gig so I decided to get coffee. I was broke so my friends (who incidentally happened to be there) pitched in to buy me ten cups of coffee. This was the only thing that kept me from breaking down in the middle of a large gathering.

That was the last straw and I never talked to her again. Instead, I started feeling something genuine for the new girl I had met in December. In time this became actual love (I use the word with caution as it is tossed around all too often) regardless of the fact that I had yet to meet her in person. The one time I did go out with her (for distance assured of once being all there was) was the most wonderful night of my life. We were never more than friends but I definitely felt something. So anyway this feeling started getting much stronger until it developed into something similar to what it is now. In time, it became a thing of misfortune and I hated the fact that I loved her so much and I wished it would go away. She happened to tell me one day in the middle of a conversation that "it will never happen." Naturally this stung horribly. The worst part came when I found out she had herpes. I was very upset since I knew she didn't get it from me, as I had never slept with her, or anyone else for that matter.

So naturally I tried to avoid her. I didn't call her for quite a while and I had only limited contact with her through instant messages. One day I decided to try to make things right between us so I sent her a long E-mail describing what I felt. I had told her several times prior but she never took me seriously. This time she did. She felt really bad for hurting me in so many ways. I was touched, as this was the most honest thing I have ever heard from her. So everything is now the way it was several months ago. I'm longing and she is still completely clueless. The nice part about how all of this turned out is the fact that she now has a new form of being with me. She has finally uncovered that good heart she has that was buried deep beneath a history of emotional trauma and a defensive personality. As an added bonus, I have come to grips with the fact that it's never going to happen but I guess that's just life.

As for advice, I recommend seeking solace in your inner creativity. Mine happened to be music and I wrote my best work while constricted by my sorrow. This naturally, boosted my self-esteem and generally made me feel better about life and everything in it.

I have to commend anyone who actually read my entire post. Looking back on it, I see it was quite long. I hope it didn't get cut off. Anyway I would like to thank everyone here for approaching me with such a kind attitude and creating a friendly and understanding environment.
Oh my friend you did not offend me in anyway, im just fuckin with ya. :P

The situation your in is sort of grim. Turning to the bottle isnt the way to go, Ive drank during long periods of depression many a time (ask anyone from this board :p ) and I can tell you it doesnt do a goddamned thing. As for suicide, its just a permanent solution to a temporary problem, life is too interesting to just shoot yourself, or kill yourself some other way. It seems like the first girl never really cared for you, I know it sucks to hear, and Ive cryed many times over woman, and grieved for a long time, but the truth is that there was no point in any of it. We all do fall in love with people who dont love us back, but you will find someone who does love YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE, its hard to believe, but everyone finds someone who cares about them atleast once in their lives. Ive found afew people like that.

As for the second girl, she seems very cool, even if she is just a friend, keep talking to her, and just be her friend.

And yes I read your entire post in detail.


wow you live a crazy life for being so young hehe (not to say im old) but your story is comparitive with many movie style stories! :p

Kidding aside, I read the WHOLE thing too.....just because I like to read things that I can relate to, tho its not totally similar I know the hurt feeling all too well, as Nick can atest to ;) I wish it was as easy as you say to find solace inside your own creative being, but for some reason my depression voids me of any emotion besides that. When Im depressed I just seem to wallow in it with no escape, I usually tend to just grasp out to people because talking usually helps ease it.

Im rambling again, and in no way meant to detract attention from your situation Ibsen. I hope things with this new girl works out, and I agree with Nick, keep her as a friend a the very least, friends are priceless in times of despair....
Yes, Ibsen, it's always worse when the woman is older... :) For example, the girl I was interested in after my break-up was a mysterious, quiet girl in my English class... she must have been more mysterious than I thought because she turned out to be 22 (in a grade 11 class)!! I immediately stopped persuing her after I found that out... might have been a mistake but who knows... a 16 year old and a 22 year old dating would just seem weird!! I'll get the chance to talk to her again next school year anyways haha... I'm rambling again... anyways... I'll try to give my advice...

Ibsen, if you've already told yourself (and accepted) that you can't be with this second girl in loving terms yet you still long for her romantically, you are doing nothing but driving yourself into depression and insanity!! It would be the same idea as searching for something that's already been found... If your intent with her is TRULY just friendship, then continue to speak with her, but don't let her keep you dangling from her string... I know from experience that if you can't stop thinking about one girl and how "in love" you are with her that you won't even pay attention to other girls who might really be interested in you! So... bottom line is... decide what your intent is with this girl for sure and stick to it... don't waste your time digging your own grave... :)

Oh, I can't really add anything to the sex conversation (still being a poor little virgin myself :p) but even masturbation is better when you're in love with whoever your fantasizing about! ;) I know I might get slagged for saying that, but what the hell... might as well be honest!
I remeber the first time I lost a friend, I was 15 and this friend of mine Donald had leukiemia (not sure if the spelling is correct), but he got alot better, then he got an infection that only like one in a million people get, and he died. I cryed for a really long time, I was sad for a really long time, that was years ago, I still miss the guy.

Nick(death aint fun)
Well i've lost two "friends" in my life. The first one I already told the story like 15 pages ago, my ex-gf that commited suicide. But this year, a guy that I really liked died too.

We played in the same soccer team for 6 years, and he was at the same elementary school as I. He commited suicide too, sometimes during the month of march I think, or april, I really don't recall it precisely. It was not my best friend, it was not very hard for me, but it is still a strange feeling. A kid dying. Not in the news in afganistan, I kid dying near you. Strange.
