DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

well, rahvin, come on. you know as well as i know how we joke all the time about wiccans, satanists and this kind of stuff. i suppose we would joke about pagan rituals all the time if we just knew a tad bit more about them. not to mention how we make fun of adolescents who think they're the bomb because they hate their parents or they break their evil oppressor's hearts (ha! ha! ha!). now, i would not make fun of this type of individual publicly if they didn't come up with mindless aggression on my personal beliefs. i am alright with freedom of speech, and i use it to tell ibsen he should have a drink (well, this is no big offense, i like people telling me to have a drink) and stop being stupid. ibsen is a young pseudo-rebel who does not know what he's talking about. and he can answer whatever he wants, since i know my answer is always going to be far more sensible. duh.

My turn, my turn!!! Hmmmmm i never noticed this thread before....Anywho, i read a lot of your posts and i must say, it's very very cool how all of you have posted your personal life! So since most of us are basicaly a "metal" family, i'll give you some of my life. It's only fair ;)

Okay until 3 months ago, i had been single all my life. Of course there have been girls but they played me like a fuckin' tool. We'd be hangin' out for a while and then when i think it's finally going somewhere, they turn around and say "i'm too nice" or my personal favorite "i'm not ready for anything yet" Then two days later you find out they're dating someone else! Well needless to say i stopped talking to them. Well anyway 3 months ago i had this date with this girl that was my sister's friend. She basically wanted to hook us up, but i was cautious and said "yeah, right, she's just gonna play me like every other girl". So i took another chance, and on our first date, she came over, picked up my guitar and played the solo in Metallica's "One" !!!!! :eek: After that, we pretty much hit it off. For 3 months we did everything! Concerts, Great America, dinner, movies, mini-golf, you name it!! Now i'm away at school in Michigan and we both really miss each other alot. But you know what?? I'm probably gonna end up marrying this girl!!

Sorry if i bored you guys, but i guess it's because i'm that happy about this girl. If i didn't bore you, thanks for reading and i'll talk to you guys soon.
@hyena: ah, but i didn't say you cannot post whatever you like. i just pointed out he didn't say a word about pagan religion. so the "pagan trip" might have been fun, but it also was nonexistent. ;)

Me a rebel? :lol: That's the funniest sack of crap I've ever heard. Thanks you really made my day there. What's this whole thing about a "pagan trip"? Do you feel that someone is having a trip simply because they are a different religion than you? This is very narrow-minded if you ask me. And then you claim that you always make fun of other religions so why are you making a big deal out of me making a joke (IT WAS JUST A DAMN JOKE) about a Catholic confessional. I'm not even insulting Catholics. To tell you the truth, when I was Catholic (I was born into it) I was never comfortable in confessionals and gelt like I was being ostracized. However, this is beyond the point. The point is that you are taking a stupid joke way too seriously. People make fun of me all the time but I never have a fucking protest because of it. And what's this "propaganda" you speak of? Do you think that I came on this board and posted a huge post (see page 10) that took me three hours to write and type just for the purpose of trying to convince people to be pagan in a later post? This doesn't make any sense. I've also said that I do not hate the world or anything in it so I see no reason for you to be accusing me of this. It was a joke. Get over it.
@ibsen: of course the only reason i've been here for almost a year and i've become moderator and all was just in order to promote the "bubububu" concept. :p
however, we don't exactly make fun of other religions, we tend to humor cults and sects. and this because of the silliness of the organization, not of any sincere belief. besides, i'm much more sheltered than hyena since, being an agnostic, it's kind of hard to make fun of my faith in return. ;)

everything is to be made fun of and everything is not to be taken seriously as long as it's about things and believes and even rape death illnesses you name it ...and not personal.
as in my eyes ibsen never hit anyone personally i think he's on the winning side... as for hyena who instantly started to make fun of his personal belief... well...

me i'm an agnostic on the way to ironical spirituality so have a big laugh on me if you like :)
i am tired and i have no patience at all today having stood 8 hours of character assassin... ehm, no, character assessment, you know the tests and the interviews and all the stuff designed to make your inner brilliance come out and your inner rage climb to unprecendented heights (which is good). ibsen, for what i care you can say crappy adolescent stuff all the time, paint yourbody black, be a wiccan, be a pagan, be a jehova's witness or join scientology: i do not give a fuck. you can also make up stories about how you've been oppressed in your infancy and act like big ilaria saying that you've been raped by 12 junkies when you were young. you are never going to amount to nothing anyway and i hope to meet you in person and tell you to fuck off personally. i am well past the means of doing it. now it's no longer an issue on religion, just my personal charge of hate against the kind of conceited, equipped-with-trendy-belief adolescents who made my life as a 15-y-o a living hell. you'll never make it. you hear me? you'll never make it. fuck you.

i wonder, i wonder...

i often make jokes (and not only jokes, even destable remarks) considering religion. somehow i don't seem to have shown my beliefs on this forum so far, or elseways some people would seemingly be really pissed off. but i think with some simple rules it is even possible to at least tolerate different beliefs and get along.
but first my point of view:
i was raised in a catholic household, but not a very resolute one, meaning i wasn't forced to go to church or stuff like that. i believed everything i was told until the age of 12 or so, when i began to think about all that. well i read some books, even the bible to a certain extent to get a more varied view, and soon it was clear to me that religion as propagized by the pope and the catholic church was not my deal. but i didn't look out for other religions to fill the space there suddenly was, i just tried to observe the whole thing in a more scientific way and concluded that there can be no gods (for whatever reasons i shall not list here).
that's my carreer from chatholic to atheist. but how come i find religions so awful in general? from my background i obviously have no reason for that.
some simple statements:
1. almost every major war was fought because of religion, BUT in fact religion was only a purpose to fight it while having other interests in mind, like money, money, power, or even money (for example the conquering of south and middle america or the three crusades).
2. the jehova's witnesses kept awaking me regularly sundays at 8 o'clock to tell me of their great ideas.
3. fanatics of any religion do more harm than their feeble minds can ever imagine (look at the bhudda-statues being shot to pieces by the taliban for an instance)
4. religions supposedly have killed people of different beliefs some time in their history for no proper reason (witches were burned by the christians, jews were put in the arena by the romans, etc). i don't want to be part of an organisation with such a legacy. by the way, why is christianity referred to as a religion, while scientology or some other groups are called cults? christianity is nothing else, but just because they have the most members it doesn't mean they're something better.
5. sorry if i focus too much on christianity, but that's the religion i know a tidy bit about. for example, the catholic church in germany possesses land masses of the size of the saarland, an entire state in the federal republic! they have an own state in italy as well! they are still pulling their strings in politics, although by german constitution state affairs and religion have to be strictly seperated...

well that was some of the reasons. reasons which in my eye can't be denied. but i'd be glad if someone is willing to give me a different point of view.
but back to the initial point: tolerance.
even though i feel a great pain in the ass while thinking about religions, i as well accept the need of everyone to choose his/her own style of belief. i won't try to change one's mind in any kind of way, as long as i can be sure that
a) the opposite won't try that on me either
b) no harm is done through the belief of the other person

if we could use these two "rules" in here as well, we should all be fine. there's no need to offend others by intent, and if someone is offended because some other believes in something different i think it's his/her own problem.

the catholic church has more or less overcome its dark inheritance and has grown to a happy community of peace-loving, helpful people. that's quite fine. i really appreciate what church organisations do to help homeless, sick, etc people. if they just would stick to that charity thing alone. they could do all that without a god, without belief. it would make everything so much easier.

vc, who already wears his asbest suit and waits for the holy bolt to strike him dead since 11 years
Originally posted by hyena
you are never going to amount to nothing

Don't be so sure about that. You do not know anything about me. What grounds do you base this on? All you know about me is what you have read on this forum. You have misunderstood me completely though. You seriously don't know what I'm about. Where do you go off talking about me as a person? You don't know anything about me. Did you suddenly decide to criticize my personality simply because you ran out ideas to criticize my religious beliefs? And where do you go off saying that I bitch about everything and that I'm making things up? Do you know me personally or enough to know that I'm full of shit? No. You don't know anything about me and you should not be judging me.

now it's no longer an issue on religion, just my personal charge of hate against the kind of conceited, equipped-with-trendy-belief adolescents who made my life as a 15-y-o a living hell. you'll never make it. you hear me? you'll never make it. fuck you.

Trendy my ass! You're going around accusing me of bitching because I had some shitty experiences and now you are bitching about the fact that you had a shitty life as a 15-year old. Now you're pulling out things you flame me for supposedly doing. Now you're being a hypocrite. And what's all this about me never making anything of myself? What does this have to do with any of this? You simply don't want to except the fact that you might be wrong? This seems the only reason why you would resort to such childish comments. You seem to have some issues and maybe you should get them resolved. I'm not being sarcastic and I'm going to try to be helpful. You have a lot of anger and hatred in you. Is there any reason why you should have blown up about a stupid joke in the first place? I've already apologized for pissing you off, regardless of the fact that I was not being hostile in the first place. I don't know what else you want me to do. Even if I was serious (which I wasn't) you shouldn't make it reason to call a jihad. People get made fun of all the time. Deal with it.
@vultureculture: i started replying then good old explorer just shut down. :mad: well, i'll try again as soon as i regained composure. :)

@hyena: honestly, if you don't give a fuck there was no need for that.

@hearse: sorry to see you down man, this things are a bitch and ppl seldom has anything sensible to say. the ones who should say something meaningful often refuse to discuss the matter. well, i expect she pulled all sorts of stereotyped stuff like (a) a time of crisis; (b) confusion in her mind; (c) unexplainable uneasiness at being with you; (d) desire to "be alone"; (e) lack of passion and fireworks every time she takes a look at you.

in reply to any of this, i suggest pointing out that perfect strangers on a forum online that know nothing about your private life were able to guess her words. :erk:

i hope your music will be of some help.

@Hearse. That really sucks. I do not believe anything I say will actually help you, but hey I'll try :). I believe it just got old. Not to offend you in anyway man, but obviously she wasnt the one for you. People change over time, emotions change over time. There is really nothing we can do about that except move on. There will be other woman who will love you for a much longer time, and see the great person that you really are.

Nick(Once again, Im sorry)
Without a doubt my friend, Nick can attest to the shit ive dealt with and the man always told me theres a light at the end of the tunnel and things can only get better, and they did and Im the happiest ive been in forever. So hang in there man, and my NP is tribute to you :D

F_V (one of my favorite musical pieces, really)
well, that's sorry to hear, hearse... but anyway i still would try to speak with her maybe next week and ask her about her true motivations. even if it all seems quite finished, it's still good for you to know why it has broken apart. this will surely help you next time, plus you won't be trapped for months thinking about what you might have done wrong. maybe the answers will not be comforting at first, but at least you got answers. and maybe it's just something very silly, where you can almost laugh about in a few days.
hollow words for a hollow man, but i hope it will help a bit :cry: