DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

no, ibsen, i actually don't want to "except the fact". i don't "except the facts" usually. and when you get something real done, let me know. again: so much for commenting on someone you don't know, you imply that i have "issues" you know all about. need i say more?
Hyena: Take a deep breath and look back what you have written for Ibsen - can you seriously claim you do NOT have an issue about this? You have taken personally (for apparent reasons of your personal history) something that was originally a mere joke and you refused to accept Ibsen's apology and instead keep on attacking his person, although he has tried to be very polite under your constant attacks. Venting out your anger on a total stranger like him is not good - not for this forum or anyone here.

You are the one here who should really take a drink or three - or better yet, get laid. ;)

<Passes a drink to Dark_Jester >

Alright... I read throught the last few pages, and unfortunately, Hyena, they have a point. Ibsen's joke (while I didn't like it at all myself, and thought it insulting (I'm catholic as well)), was only a joke, and it didn't warrant that kind of a response. Calm down a bit and think things over. That didn't sound like you in the replies, and I think thats what Ibsen meant when he said you were probably dealing with something right now.

I'm Catholic too...but the thing is, if we all get so uptight about little things that don't matter in the scheme of things, in the end we only make ourselves look foolish...and fight to the point where most of us can't even remember WHY we're fighting...
I'm Catholic too...but I didn't find it particularly insulting...its like when people insult your country...you take it on the chin, because if someone can laugh at you, and you can laugh at you...well its how some of my best friendships have been formed...isn't that right Nick you talentless git? Of course it is, I can't be denied :D
I'm Catholic too...but the thing is, if we all get so uptight about little things that don't matter in the scheme of things, in the end we only make ourselves look foolish...and fight to the point where most of us can't even remember WHY we're fighting...
I'm Catholic too...but I didn't find it particularly insulting...its like when people insult your country...you take it on the chin, because if someone can laugh at you, and you can laugh at you...well its how some of my best friendships have been formed...isn't that right Nick you talentless git? Of course it is, I can't be denied :D
hmm... maybe for the game master to tell you that you are a little halfling druid which can't use swords?
Originally posted by VultureCulture
hmm... maybe for the game master to tell you that you are a little halfling druid which can't use swords?

Oh so now I dont get a shiny magical boot of neutrality AND I dont get a sword? What kind of game is this anyway VC?!

F_V ( :err: )
Hyena, I said you SEEM to have issues. I never said you do for sure. I only said that so that I can forgive you for being such a bitch about all of this. I know you're not really mad at me, you're mad at something else, so I'm trying to let it go. Please don't try and turn this into a hatred of me. I don't hate you. There's no reason why you should hate me.
@ Ben. I have no talent?!?!?!?! :lol: :lol: Dont make me leak what shouldnt be leaked my friend. :p :p :p :p

@F_V, thanks for the kind words man, Im only here to help :) , and sometimes fight. :p :p

Nick(So I made a big mistake, try to see it once my way)