DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

Originally posted by hyena
he also had the brilliant idea of nyaah-nyahhing his ex with stuff like "i've seen your email, you cheated on me" so of course she changed her password and now i have no way of knowing what either of them is saying. this is not really relevant, but it shows all of you how stupid can one be.

stupid? or maybe at last showing some misguided hint of cleverness? after all he knows he's about to tell her personal things you won't approve of - because they're silly, not because you like him - and he also knows you could have checked her mail any time you felt like it...
perhaps we have to take a longer look at the cynical explanation.

@hyena: Sorry to hear what you've experienced. That guy really is a Moron. (Yes, the capital M kind of moron. ;))

Please keep in mind that you're not alone. Don't know if saying that soothes the pain, but... I'll take myself as an example. I haven't found anyone to share my life with yet. And it hurts deep down inside. I mean, with three of my five closest friends having girl-/boyfriends, relationships are ever-present and always reminds me of how great it would be to have someone by my side.

Only I never meet that someone. I date like everyone else. I'm no wierder than anyone else. Still nothing happens. All I ever get to hear is that I'm "kind, considerate and would make a good friend". I've never heard the words "I love you". Frustrating as [hot place]. Don't know just what I'm doing wrong, if anything. Thank goodness for friends keeping me alive... :)

To round this post up, I'd like to finish with a quote: "If there's someone for everyone... Where the hell is (s)he!?"
@sun: thanks for the support. maybe we're each other's special someone and we'll never know since we'll never meet. :lol:

@rahvin: i know that plots and ploys are everywhere, but this is too much. if he wanted to prevent ME from seeing her email, couldn't HE change her password and wait for her to change to a new one? i know that she might just stop using email altogether, given her splendid brilliance, but then again, telling someone that you've been forcing their mailbox is not going to put you in a very positive light. whatever the reason, the gesture still stands as Stupid with a capital S in my eyes.

@hyena: he told you he told her about the break in. besides, if he changed her pwd she would notice something was very wrong and maybe mistrust him more than she does now that he fessed up (if he did). however stupid this thing was, it still puts you in stall. completely accidental?

Originally posted by Sunjammer

To round this post up, I'd like to finish with a quote: "If there's someone for everyone... Where the hell is (s)he!?"

I actually think there are many people for everyone. I dont like thinking that there is only one person for me, that doesnt make much sense. There have to be a large amount of people I could fall in love with and possibly marry. I believe I will only find one or maybe two at the most. It really jsut takes time and patience to find someone who is really special Sun.

I only plan on marrying once with the person who is 'perfect' for me, and who I am totally in love with.

So as I've told Hyena, dont worry someone is there for you. You just need to find them, and it will probably happen when you least expect it.

@rahvin: I would never visit that message board. Period.

@hyena: Hey, I get support so I lend support. If I can help, I will. As for the the "we will never meet" part... How can you be so sure? ;)

@nick: All I meant with that quote was that you won't end up alone if you absolutely don't want to and that it's very hard to find that special someone you eventually will get settled down with...
oh, i don't even have the force to tell you what went wrong and how much so, i'm drunkish and i spent way too much time driving since i took the motorway in the wrong direction. not that this is unusual on my part, but still. ;)

hyena: That sucks... but at least your out of it.

I am still completely without relationship. How needs a girlfriend when half the girls at your school are perfectly happy to point out you need a haircut... daily.
okay, God saved me from the evil, evil hangover therefore I'm sort of ok, both physically and psychologically. today I will just dick around, do some shopping, read a book, and sleep. But first I will tell you my v. interesting story.

last night i finished my training and went for drinks with some classmates. the guy i sort of liked was not out with us for reasons unclear to me, then he called and asked me out for dinner. since i had to go to a gig next to where his house is i said yes, and i was suddenly faced with the stupidest bunch of things i have heard in a while. in around two hours, he managed to tell me more or less this:

a) I am an interesting and likeable woman, but men need hardons to fall in love, therefore i should consider going around in miniskirts and makeup to get them

b) since I am already hampered in my quest for mr. right by having a strong personality, if i don't comply with a) i will never find a man

c) I am a fundamentalist AND a hypocrite (huh?) when it comes to sex, since I had some but never went all the way b/c of my personal ethics. since some girls consider 69 heavier than making love, i should realize it is, stop being both fundamentalist and hypocrite, and sleep with him or anyone else for that matters

d) given what was said in b), if i add c) i lower even more my chances of finding a guy

e) it would be a problem anyway since silly women make love better than smart ones. silly women give themselves freely while brilliant ones are mechanic calculators (?)

f) on the other hand, not doing it would be an even bigger problem: if he goes out with me and we don't fuck as soon as possible, in his mind the idea of fucking will be connected to his ex and this is ugly and unfair

g) the fact that i didn't ever mention ONCE my intention to go out with him (i didn't mention it cos it's nonexistant, i might have liked him a bit but i had no plans) is not relevant to the previous points

h) besides being a fundamentalist and a hypocrite, i'm also somehow disgusting because i get the occasional crush (and, take heed, go no further: fundamentalist? hypocrite?) on a married guy

j) the fact that i consider sort of cheesy discussing sex all the time while on a first date is a confirmation of my FHD nature

k) anyway the seduction+lies+misrepresentation of self part is the best you get in a relationship.

i was so sure that in my new environment i wouldn't find this kind of guy anymore that i was about to beat him up to make him pay for all the deception and the cold-shower effect, but after all, although all this bad stuff above, i am civilized. figures. :lol:

/me stands like :eek:, pondering what an utter asshole above guy is and having a hard time to believe what she just read...
Originally posted by hyena
a) I am an interesting and likeable woman, but men need hardons to fall in love, therefore i should consider going around in miniskirts and makeup to get them

Comment by a mere robot: Dunno if you're interesting or not, but that guy is actually an almighty God who knows perfectly the tastes of every man that walks upon three legs. I do agree with the part of the miniskirts, they make women look chupier.

b) since I am already hampered in my quest for mr. right by having a strong personality, if i don't comply with a) i will never find a man

Comment by... me: Who's Mr. Right? What about a dog, since they're more intelligent than a man?

c) I am a fundamentalist AND a hypocrite (huh?) when it comes to sex, since I had some but never went all the way b/c of my personal ethics. since some girls consider 69 heavier than making love, i should realize it is, stop being both fundamentalist and hypocrite, and sleep with him or anyone else for that matters

@More stupid comments from a stupid base: Fundamentalist? Are you a secret Al Quaeda agent? I don't understand the part where you should sleep with someone (just sleep? Boring italians...)

e) it would be a problem anyway since silly women make love better than smart ones. silly women give themselves freely while brilliant ones are mechanic calculators (?)

@Will you get tired of reading my stupid comments?: Really? That remarks the theory of the almighty God who also knows everything about sex and can divide the whole world in two parts depending on this factors: intelligence and sex capabilities. I can't understand the comparison with mechanic calculators either. :p

f) on the other hand, not doing it would be an even bigger problem: if he goes out with me and we don't fuck as soon as possible, in his mind the idea of fucking will be connected to his ex and this is ugly and unfair

@More: Let me see, if you're a Bin Laden agent, too smart to establish physic relationships with any hope of success... why the hell he's interested on you?

Oh, c'mon, Hyena. Forget him.

Could always be worse, And generally is. I was with my ex-Girlfriend for 4 years, (I know, long ass time). Most of the time things were good, But she had a really "Off" way of thinking, She was Half Japanese so she was raised most her life in japan and the rest here in the states, If that aint gonna mess someone up i dont know what will, But i always was a sucker for the asian girls. Anyway, I was almost pretty sure i was going to marry this girl until i found out she aborted my child without my consent, Not that its my choice, But I think being 50% in that relationship I should have had some say, But I didnt. She got really fucked up after that and became really dependent, But i just couldnt forgive her, The result of such ended up turning her into evil demon bitch from hell where she proceeded to try and ruin my life because i wouldnt marry her, Go figure. Ive since moved on from that But im never gonna understand women at all and even so I think id be too afraid to even try. Oh well, Cursed we live.
@ Hyena. What a fucking prick, all he wants is to get into your pants, thats obvious. And I really dont see the problem with someone where whatever the hell they want, being intelligent (thats a huge turn on), and wanting to keep their virginity.

Nick(I hate people like that)
nick, thanks for your support. i just wish there were more men like you around. and kamikaze, that has to suck horribly. i hope you get someone better than that.

Thanks a bunch Hyena. I hope things go well too, all we can do is try right? I really hope that things work out well for you as well, Don't ever sacrifice who you are for somebody elses ideals, Hang in there ;)
here's one for the sexy italian guys around. :p

there's nothing much i can add. the only issue i find serious is why hyena keeps falling (at least a bit) for this specific kind of pricks and how to stop it in the future. :(

@kamikaze: that was really dishonest of her. the right to choose is one thing. the right to act undercover like you don't give a shit about how the rest of the world feels is quite another. no matter how you've been raised, sensitivity should at some point in the process kick in. if you have any, that is. ;)

I just want to thank everyone for your kind words. It was a really sad situation and it will haunt me for the rest of my days, But i know that not everyone is like that so i do have a sense of hope and its nice to know that people do care the world over about these issues. Thanks so much :)