DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

@Static: Mind if i ask what age she is? :rolleyes: To me she sounds as quite a bit confused/misevaluating her feelings/immature..... In other words, she doesn't know what she wants....
I'm really sorry for this, try to put her behind you and go on, to smt better.. I know it hurts, but you obviously deserve more than that.. In anyway, you have my best wishes. :)

As for me, if all goes well, i'll soon be travelling with 4-5 guys and no female competition :p :p :p
Originally posted by Siren
@Static: Mind if i ask what age she is? :rolleyes: To me she sounds as quite a bit confused/misevaluating her feelings/immature..... In other words, she doesn't know what she wants....

Shes my age 18, today I met her to talk about everything. She was more worried about her friend Emma, who said she had a big suprise for her. The big suprise was this new guy she met, Sam, and she introduced the two of us. 'Hi', was about all we said. Then she said to me 'I've gotta go somewhere to drop off some clothes, bye'. Then she just left with the Sam guy. I was fucking stunned, what a bitch. All she said was 'bye' and just left. Maybe I was wrong, I've never felt such a strange mix of hatred and anger towards someone my entire life. Shes fucking crushed me, she can just leave with this guy she met 3 days ago and forget about me altogether.

I hate her and I don't even want to be her friend anymore. She so so shallow and yes, fucking immature. I must have meant nothing to her all along. If I confront her and tell her why she hurt me just by leaving me like a piece of shit, shes so stupid she won't even understand.

I'm in an intense mood of anger, pain, confusion and most of all I feel so hurt. I never want to see her again.
@static: it is probably best if you don't see her again. at least for a couple of months. ;) and of course it takes a lot of time to know whether any girl you meet is a decent, stable person or just another useless individual. the trick is not to get too involved before having a reasonable idea as to what she's about. what's sad is not the fact she's shallow and childish, but your feelings getting crushed by this.

Originally posted by rahvin
@static: it is probably best if you don't see her again. at least for a couple of months. ;) and of course it takes a lot of time to know whether any girl you meet is a decent, stable person or just another useless individual. the trick is not to get too involved before having a reasonable idea as to what she's about. what's sad is not the fact she's shallow and childish, but your feelings getting crushed by this.


Thanks rahvin, this is good advice (heh, although a bit late) . I was on the very verge of getting intimately involved with her, and I know she wanted the same thing. I thought I had her figured out, and then she went and did this...Maybe I'm a bad judge of character, I thought she was a deep, caring, amazing person. I am only so crushed because the moment this happened was the moment I felt the most feelings for her since I'd known her.

Needless to say, I e-mailed her saying I don't want to see her for a long time. I'm planning on pushing this to the back of my thoughts and getting on with my life. Although its hard.

Cheers rahvin.
the killing spree was close to where my parents live, but i wouldn't go as far as saying they were involved :p

It's ok to feel terrible, betrayed and crushed. Gone through the same twice ... when I was your age, infact.
It's experience.. trust me, time will heal the wound... although it won't help now :

keep in mind that she's young , and people make mistakes. If she keeps with the guy, she was not right for u, obviously... but she may even grow up, and realize her mistake (which we all make, 1 way or the other)... have a bit of faith in destiny ;)

Meanwhile I would suggest you ... a valuable moment of thoughtful suffering (the best would be to read a nice manga such as Video Girl Ai [...], while skipping Goethe ) , struggle to not fall in selfdestructive crap...because it doesn't change shit, and it's not worth it .

As soon as you can allow yourself to put it in perspective, stay close to your friends and your (other) loved ones. Sadly there's no real cure for broken heart, give it time.... when you feel slightly better my choice would be to travel, perhaps, which personally was an excellent hjelp .

Final thought...a bit cynical... your only real companion in life is yourself, so as long as you act respecting You, it'll be fine.
@ hyena
From your long a)-z) post it's so clear that the guy is such a stereotyped italian male loser, that the only problem would be to ask yourself why you where interested. Regarding his deserved punishment, he may not realize it yet, but he's the worst thing that happened to him anyway... imagine ... with that criteria which kind of people you will end up sourrounded by.
On a lighter note I would add that he's obviously a lazio fan ;)
and btw, matter of songs while sad I enjoyed (at the time)

Away, delight, away

and zero tolerance/empty words from death(symbolic)

and of course many others through time, but the above ment. where the most signif.
Originally posted by |ngenius
Soccer :bah:

|ngenius (A F.C Barcelona phanatic, wanna lose your head?)

please don't tell me you like fag, I mean football, and I thought do highly of you :rolleyes:
@Mexico Man: No, I'm not into football/soccer/any sport with no sex involved.

|ng (Pero ya sabes q te quiero, pichoncito mío) <--- A tr00 metal comment here.
@Static: Oh damn, she's so thoughtless..
I agree with what others said about time and not getting dragged down by it (btw, maybe the fact that it happened now and not later, when you obviously would have been much more involved, should be considered as smt good :)).

But i also have to give my piece of advice, which would be to _not_ give her the satisfaction of knowing you're angry/suffer. Since we all agree she's shallow :)rolleyes: ) it would most probably be of no use, and i might guess she wouldn't really care much.. On the other hand, there's a slight chance she could get some sick lift of her self-esteem and the amount of "power" she might thinks she has over you, which i doubt is smt you'd like. :)

If you really think she's not worth it and you do want to forget her, i'd suggest just cut _all_ connections with her.. But of course the final resistan...errr...decision is yours ;)

Siren (i know there's bad syntax somewhere in there, shoot me :rolleyes: )
Thank you for all the help people, I meant it, cheers.

Well, I'm kind of over it now. Thats because last night I went out drinking with my best mate, I haven't had a heart-to-heart conversation with him in quite a while, but I told him all about it. He basically said that it sounded like she was too shallow anyways, and I should wait for the next girl, hopefully one more emotionally mature. It was really cool just sitting down with my mate and talking about it all. Now i'm in a happy mood.

I'm sure that she isn't suddenly gonna think, oh no, what have I done? I've traded in the quiet thoughtful guy for the buff jock guy! Thats not really realistic thinking. Now that I've seen how shallow she is, considering last week she also dropped this other guy she'd been seeing for 3 years and got over it quick enough to get a new guy about 4 days later, I don't really think I do want her back at all. In fact, its the last thing I want after thinking hard about it.

So I won't bother you with this anymore. All it took was a little perspective check to, umm, well put things in perspective. Hehe, so to speak.
It's been a while since I've read this, and I'm interested by the stories. Static, what you're feeling right now is completely normal. Try to think about her as litttle as possible and just realize that by avoiding her and her problems/insecurities, you are accepting that you are on a different plane than she is. You're (from what I gather) obviously not as shallow and insensitive as she is, and I can completely relate with how you feel no (I went through virtually the exact same process you did back towards the beginning of this thread.) I realize it hurts like a bitch, but it'll fade with time, and the more you realize you deserve better, the quicker that time will pass.

On a different note, for those of you who are seeing people right now and are of an age where you are frequently (once a week or once every two) at home (w/parents) or still live with your parents, how do you feel about introducing that special someone to them? I met my gf's parents last week, and we really got along quite well. Between that and taking care of her through a really bad illness for this past week, they have (as I gather) a really good perception of me. I'm going to bring my gf to my house next weekend (not tommorow) and I'm wondering what the reaction will be. I assume it will be great, or at very least good, but I don't really know what my parents think about my dating anyone at all. I was just wondering if anyone else had similar feelings/experiences/or just thoughts on the general practice of 'meeting the parents'.

~Kovenant (btw... i might put a pic of her and i in my new member's page pic i'll be sending to salamy... its gotta be good... from the dt show in sept :) )
@k: my personal philosophy entails parents meeting the lucky one something like two days before marriage, in order to avoid any interference along the way. i reckon it's hard to put into practice though...
